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What is the Quickest Way to Delete Everything in a Worldspace?


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Alright so I managed to create a duplicate of Fallout 4's worldspace. The duplicate comes with all the place objects, referenced material, xmarkers and navmeshes. It's a dream come true that it actually worked.


BUT I wish to make a new world space with the existing Navmeshes intact.


Is there a way that isn't manually loading every cell and surrounding cells just to delete remaining objects? Is there a FO4Edit shortcut to did or am I totally S.O.L.?

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FO4edit only or can you use the CK too?
because you can literally, and I just did it, delete in the cell view window, all kinds of stuff
still a bit of manual work but it'll help to shift + click for longer segments of obviously "whatever it's just junk" stuff
but watch out, every wall/floor/roof etc is an object in the list (in the CK the list of these things is in cell view, not object list)
so I'm left with this, like, grey area

I didn't delete the nav-mesh, but the images themselves disappeared from view
you're basically S.O.L. AFAIK and have to do it manually, luckily manually isn't quite as difficult perhaps as you might think?
(not sure on this one because it depends on how SoL you think you are)

Edited by tartarsauce2
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maybe the way you got the duplicate world plus a script to automate deleting placed things of certain object types that you dictate (might have to go through that list total object list to remove everything not part of a whitelist)
then let it run for 5 years or however long it takes
also I think making a whitelist would require going through all the cells individually...

Edited by tartarsauce2
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