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Video Leaks ... from Reviewers - that did not take long.


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I won't watch this either. I'm trying to be very careful, avoiding spoilers now there are official copies floating around in the public.


I may just lay low until release just to be safe. We've waited this long, I don't wanted to stumble across some D-bag dumping the entire main storyline and ruining it.

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The moderators over on the Bethesda forum are pretty busy at the moment, I've seen the footage, cannot say I'm impressed.


Are you saying your not impressed with the game, or not impressed with people releasing it?




personally, i wont watch it. As said prior, we have waited this long, whats another few days. Once i start, thats it, i wont want to stop. So i cant wreck the reveal, the opening of the game i have waited for.

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The moderators over on the Bethesda forum are pretty busy at the moment, I've seen the footage, cannot say I'm impressed.


Are you saying your not impressed with the game, or not impressed with people releasing it?

Not impressed with the animations, but I guess I should have expected it, animations are not Beths strongest suit, their open worlds are.
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The moderators over on the Bethesda forum are pretty busy at the moment, I've seen the footage, cannot say I'm impressed.


Are you saying your not impressed with the game, or not impressed with people releasing it?

Not impressed with the animations, but I guess I should have expected it, animations are not Beths strongest suit, their open worlds are.


can you expand slightly by what you mean by animations? I havent seen the video and wont, but still if you can talk generally.

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can you expand slightly by what you mean by animations? I havent seen the video and wont, but still if you can talk generally.

Pretty much like Oblivion, the combat animations are not bad, but you could see AI gliding into position before animation kicked in properly, one example is a an imperial NPC standing nearly at the side of the execution block and then "gliding" back to get in position behind the victim.
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There is a reason they are called 'spoilers' By seeing everything before you get to play the actual game you are spoiling the fun. And, there are always spoilsports who insist on spoiling it for everyone else just because they can't stand to wait. And can't stand that someone else can.


I have already - because of my position here - seen far more information, videos and other stuff on the game than I would like to. Thus spoiling it for me. :wallbash:


A lot of the fun comes in NOT knowing anything at the beginning, and learning as you play. It's called 'anticipation'. :thumbsup:


Not being able to wait is a sign of immaturity - and this is supposed to be a game for mature people. Obviously a lot of players are not mature and thus should not be allowed to play. :whistling: - Physical age does not make for maturity. :rolleyes:

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