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My custom weapon defies gravity


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I made a custom weapon, something intended to be like a full auto M4, but decided to use the Marksman Carbine model to distinguish it more from the Assault Carbine already in the game. So, I removed the scope, made an Iron sight for it, added a Sighting Node, and everything works fine, EXCEPT there's a bit of a gravity issue with the weapon. If I drop it from my inventory, it just floats statically in the air. So I just wanted to know what exactly is causing this and how I can go about fixing it.



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The weapon has no collision. If you're working with blender I can tell you how to make the collision mesh.


Yup, I'm using Blender. I've made armor and clothing before, but this is the first time I've done anything with weapons.


If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it.

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Okay, when you import the model go to Add/Mesh/Cube and scale it to the extremes of your object (change the Draw Type to wireframe, it's easier to navigate that way).


After that go to Object (F7) in the Buttons Window and under Draw change Drawtype to Bound and Draw Extra to Wire. Then go to Logic (F4) in the Buttons Window, click Bounds and select Triangle mesh (or Concave Triangle Mesh, I really don't know the difference but it has the same result). Then select Add Property, change Name in the menu that appeared below to HavokMaterial. Change Float to String and in the box next to Name add this string: HAV_MAT_METAL (you can add HAV_MAT_WOOD and HAV_MAT_STONE instead, but for a rifle you should use metal). Now press "a" a couple of times untill everything is selected and press Ctrl + A and select Scale and Rotation to ObData. Export the model but in the final window where you select the model properties under Collision Options select Clutter (don't press weapon) and Metal and click Ok.


Note: if you want your model not to move around like tables, walls, etc, instead of Clutter select Static.


Now your weapon will be falling to the floor instead of floating in the air.

Edited by Werne
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