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What race are you going to play?


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Don't get angry at me .. I was very polite about it .. Why don't you go read the new user rules?


And my name is Jedimembrain .. Jedi from startwars and membrain is a reference to Cypress Hill - Insane In The Brain.



You're my hero!! I should have put Cypress Hill into my name too, dam....

"Chikawowwow-aint going out like that" is probably too long winded though

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Breton and i think theres a Poll Thread on this. :unsure:


a poll thread? more like many poll threads on this subject.


No sh*t .. I'm really getting sick of logging in in the morning and being bombarded with 5 new repeat threads from some new user who doesn't bother searching .. or even flipping back a few pages ~_~; .. I hate to sound like some wannabee "leet" user or anything .. but the closer we get to launch the more noobs come in with nothing to add but stuff we have already known and talked about .. if you want to bring up an old topic just make sure you have something new to add before you necro it .. and pleeease dont duplicate the existing thread .. I really do check every post in this forum and I don't like to read pages of junk that already exist!


Well excuse me! I guess you just post all new and original ideas and questions. Lets all bow before your greatness.

Edited by davofwater
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seriously .. I was trying to be blunt to EVERYONE who has been doing this lately .. I'm sorry it was directed at your post but its been getting worse as Skyrim gets closer .. I mean no hard feelings to you .. It was directed to anyone reading that has ever made a new topic without searching.
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