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The Burrows.


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The Burrows design document is a basic outline for intelligent mutant animals (similar to small racoons), that escaped the West-Tek facility decades ago and began a small community. Post apocalyptic sci-fi often features intelligent mutated animals, a good example being planet of hte apes, and I think this is a great base for a mod. We can draw off of the burrows document, secret of nimh, the dark tower (bumbler) and many others I'm sure.


The document is only about 6 pages, but I'll try to condense some basic ideas to see if it peaks anyone's attention.



After escaping West-Tek labs in the glow FEV enhanced intelligent lab animals travel and set up a village in a small, lush, hidden valley. They brought tech and info. There is an above and below ground faction (above ground more scholarly, below ground more earthy. Some curious ones had run ins with humans resulting in deaths, so they isolated themselves and trapped the surrounding areas. One of the old ones made up a religion after a particularly harsh winter, to give his people hope. Decades later some visit the glow, dying upon their return with the parting words that there are no gods in the glow. The community fragments with den dwellers (below ground) believing, above grounders doubting. Rinar daughter of hte elder can barely prevent all out war.


They are armed with knives, spears, claws and teeth. There is a great tree that is a meeting hall, shrine and library.


Quests; 0. Meeting. First human they'v spoken with in decades. 1. Rinar needs the player to enter the glow and discover the truth of the gods. 2. one of Rinar's offspring was kidnapped and taken as a wife by a insane survivalist. 3. Children have been disappearing, they are being taken by a mercenary for a circus. 4. tradelines. depending on how/who they establish trade with it will enrich the town, or the player will return to see the town has been destroyed and all animals killed.



So a few ideas I had right off the bat. Instead of just living on the surface the above grounders could live in the great tree, like ewoks.

Since they have technolgy I don't see why the wouldn't have weapons (both brought from the glow and recovered from enemies)

I think it would be interesting to have a mix of races. Instead of just mutant racoons, west-tek probably experimented on at least rats/mice and dogs (as part of increasing intellignece for robodogs), perhaps others.

If there are other races an animal farm storyline could come into play.

They would be heavy on farming, everything from normal crops to uniques like mutfruit

There could be a wastland defender aspect to the mod, should raiders or Caesars legion learn of it.


So what I'm thinking is a good modeler that's able to rig some animimal models to the npc/human skeleton would be key. Gorow333 has rigged a dog to a npc skeleton (havn't checked it out). And rigging a raqcoon should be much easier since they are basicly bipedal.


While it reaches a little ways out of fallout lore, there is precedent here and there (intelligent rad scorpion for example). I think we could find a wealth of ideas to really expand on this idea.

Edited by devinpatterson
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the rabbits in Watership down are not exactly nice, especially if you could include a fascist Orwellian faction of antagonist Thieving Racoons who have read General Wormwood's bits from Watership, and the Humans bad bits of Animal Farm, in short Evil Raccoons, who can be mistakin for the others....
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also with a name like the burrows I was thinking some sort of animal hobbits expy, of course if we have hobbits some Smaegal/gollum type whose completly addicted to human pre-war food stuff. (hey I live in a national park where the Racoons do the same thing in reality)
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the rabbits in Watership down are not exactly nice...... in short Evil Raccoons, who can be mistakin for the others....


Right I'm following you now. So even more divided than the burrows original intent. Instead (or in addition too) of the top dwellers (the intellectuals) and the den dwellers (heavily religious), you want a faction that is essentially evil, or walking the line? Attempts at seizing power etc.


whose completly addicted to human pre-war food stuff


I do like that idea, but maybe in a larger context. Wasn't there a molerat in FO2 that was addicted to cheesy puffs? Could be a good basic quest.

Edited by devinpatterson
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