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yes, that has been my bible while learning how to script my mod.


I'll keep waiting for maybe someone to respond who thinks they may be able to offer some insight on the bugs I'm encountering.



npc's keeping their eyes closed, while awake, in convorsation, generally when they shouldnt be

SetPos restraints, why cant you move(or can you?) an NPC far away while in an interior cell

maybe be nice enough to glace at my script for mistakes :)

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yes, that has been my bible while learning how to script my mod.


I'll keep waiting for maybe someone to respond who thinks they may be able to offer some insight on the bugs I'm encountering.



npc's keeping their eyes closed, while awake, in convorsation, generally when they shouldnt be

SetPos restraints, why cant you move(or can you?) an NPC far away while in an interior cell

maybe be nice enough to glace at my script for mistakes :)

Not sure about they eye thing, but it might be related to how you're forcing the idle, or what idle you're forcing when. Might want to look at some of the other pose scripts to see how they do it.


As for positions, you probably can't because there isn't any ground there. An NPC dropped into the void will usually just popup back at their last valid location. It's one of those things to avoid the game crashing and prevent the player from getting stuck due to poor building. SetPOS shouldn't be used on NPCs or creatures really. It's a bit more resource intensive, and less reliable than moving a marker than NPC to the marker, despite how it may seem otherwise.If your intent is to do a repeated effect (like a force push) you really shouldn't be doing either. The game is not setup around moving NPCs from point to point quickly. Trying to do so, no matter what the distance, can usually result in instability.

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Ok, I made a cell, made some xmarkers but now when I use

myXMarkerRef1.moveto myActorRef1

I get a big red X on the ground. Did I missunderstand something, am I using the wrong merker, or can i make it invisable somehow?


Also, I tried to move all my variables into the mission script to try and use them like globals. It didnt really work as expected and seemed to break my script in game, even tho it compiled fine. Are there any special considerations to be made when using variables like MyQuest.MyQuestVar ?


as for the eyes, I'm using this to put the actor into hybernation so theres no chance anythign happens to them when they're in limbo


targetDataRef.setactorsai 0

targetDataRef.setghost 1

targetDataRef.setunconscious 1


then the opposite to turn them back on when they come back


I use





to force idle on the actor for the script

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Why are you moving the marker to the NPC? Not quite understanding what exactly you're trying to do here. Where are you trying to move what, and for what purpose? If you're trying to rig up some sort of generic spell effect that just moves the NPC outside the room they're in, it doesn't work. Outside the space of the interior, there is nothing, and NPCs aren't meant to be floating through this. If placed into void, they will fall and pop right back where they were, or as close to within valid space (unless the game crashes). While you can move them to a marker placed in some sort of holding cell, unless that cell is loaded, or you have something within your current cell to get them back, they'll be stuck there. Any sort of general use spell that moves NPCs or anything isn't recommended because it can make the game unstable. Even when you get it working, repeated use will probably crash your game.
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ok, I made a holding cell, So now I move the npc into it to a marker there, but first I move a 'return' marker from the holding cell to where the npc was. I can move the npc between the holding cell marker and the return marker with no problems.


My problems in my script, I think, are coming from something acting like a return when i didnt expect it to. or possibly maybe there's something about using quest variables I don't know. I bumping into logic conditions that arent making sense, I guess I'll just debug it with a ton of message "1,2,3,4..." lines to see where its taking a left turn.


Mostly what in the world are these red X's and how can I use a marker that doesnt have a big bright red X mesh that comes along with it. Are there invisable Markers?


Also ever seen an NPC's eye go wonky from using any of these commands? (I turn the setactorai back on, and setghost and setunconscious back off at the end)


setactorsai 0

setghost 1

setunconscious 1



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You should keep playing around with the CS until you're comfortable using it. Safe often. It may crash, and it pisses me off too. That's why you need to save. Practice a lot, and you'll become a expert in no time.


Good luck!

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