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How to Level Up Most Efficiency


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Hello Everyone,


I have been playing Oblivion for quite some time now and now that Skyrim is coming out real soon I am rushing to finish Oblivion.

I want to still reach the top of the level cap and make the most efficiency of the level up abilities that you are granted to your attribute, based on what you have done on your previous level.

They always give you a booster from + 1 to + 5.


Should I hold out or should I just ranking up already?

And if I DON'T Level Up does it hurt my chances at reaching that top of the level cap?


Any and All Help would be appreciated



IRIxAgent 47

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Maximizing ones level is a time consuming and brain busting project. :dry: :mad:


Follow this to the letter: Choose your main skills that supports each of the seven attributes. Level up two minor skills 10 times each and one of your main skills 10 times - no more, no less - not even the tiniest little Light Armor. You will level up, then when you sleep you choose the three +5 or you will end up sucking at level 15. Fun right? :no:


Well I have an answer for you: No! This works great on paper but ooh how wrong it is! You only end up standing in the same spot for hours, casting the same illusion spell over and over again. Don't use any armour unless your intention is to level that skill up, or you will level it up which is bad. You always seem to level up a skill you absolutely do not want to level up like Acrobatics or Athletics. Athletics is also next into impossible to level up when it reaches like level 65. :mad: :mad: :mad:

You can read more here


Unless strategic thinking is your thing I suggest not to do this. You'll loose much time, it won't be funny and it just plain sucks. :down: I say get one of them mods. :thumbsup:

Edited by FnimonSni
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I appreciate your help and telling me that I'll get stuck around level 15.

However I already messed up, but it is not to late to restart as I've only finished the Imperial City Quests.



IRIxAgent 47

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