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Stardew Valley

SMAPI Issues - Missing Method Exception, Game does not launch


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I'm unable to launch the game via the StardewModdingAPI.exe. The black window pops up, and it populates the following text:


Created log instance
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(System.Action)'.
at StardewModingAPI.Log.AsyncColour(Object message, ConsoleColor olour)
at STardewModding.API.Log.AsyncY(Object message)
at StardewModdingAPI.Program.Main(string[] args)


But nothing else happens. Any keyboard interaction with the program crashes it.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled it several times, following every youtube tutorial (IDED included) to no success.


Please help, I'm going insane.

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Great news, future people with my problem! I've solved it.

I thought Steam required a updated .NET Framework, so I never even considered it was outdated.

It was!

A quick install and reboot, and SMAPI successfully launches my game.

Happy farming, all!

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