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Favorite characters in the lotr



33 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite characters in the lotr

    • Gimli
    • Legolas
    • Aragorn
    • Frodo
    • Sam
    • Boromir
    • Haldir
    • Pippin
    • Munti
    • Gandalf

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Orlando Bloom is a friend of a friend so I have to say Legless. Or were you talking of the book in which case I vote for Shelob. You remember her quite vividly at the end when everything else gets a bit blurred.
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It's kinda a toss up between Legolas and Gimli for me.

Legolas because he just plain rocks, Orlando Bloom did all of his own stunts, and that he's an elf.

Gimli because he's funny and he could make even a Klingon(I know that's from Star Trek) proud.


Decided on Legolas because he was able to pick on Gimli in Two Towers. Best line ever

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hey..... what about the Witch King.. :nazgul: ... I think hes one of the best characters in Return of the King, the whole armored fell beast mount was one of the coolest things I ever saw....my morrowind character was very jellous of the Witch King's wepons and armor too... that falil was HUGE, and his sword wasnt bad ether, but if i had to chose one of the ones listed, id probably chose Gimli....I woulda chose Legolas, but i dont like elfs very much.
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Boromir I guess. Thought the actor did that role really good. Showed both of his "personalities" and such, with the side of him that wanted the ring at all costs and the side that was a real friend, euhm, most of the time, anyway.


And with me being a girl, I guess I have to say Haldir too. But that's just for him being plain sexy :lol:

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The Istari have always been among the most influencial creations in Tolkien's story.


Saruman's sardonic bitterness is very good in the book, which plays nicely against Gandalf's mirthful manner.


I would say the grey wizard is my favourite character.


And Ian Mckellan plays him with such aplomb.


"I am the most dangerous thing you could meet, unless you taken before the throne of the Dark Lord alive."


My favourite line by Gandalf.

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