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Special Mod Request: In Memory of Christina Grimmie


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If you haven't heard the news, 3rd place "The Voice" Songstress Christina Grimmie was fatally shot in Orlando Florida just 2 days ago by a deranged fan. I was on Skyrim Reddit and discovered that in 2012, Christina performed a cover of "The Dragonborn Comes" and was a fan of Skyrim. Her cover video for Skyrim is here:

Her cover of "The Dragonborn Comes" has been circulating around around reddit as the world mourns her death. But maybe the modding community can do more.

My idea was to add her to Sovngarde as a bard so that she can sing her song and be remembered in Skyrim for all eternity. The work would need a good character modeler to do her justice, an awesome outfit, and someone good with CK that could place her and have her sing her song.

I am not much of a modder myself but I wanted to pass the idea along.

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She grew up 20 minutes away from me. Words cannot express such sorrow. I hope that she now be immortalized in a game she once loved.




Here's the converted music file. I placed this in data/music/special, and renamed to mus_maintheme.



I tried making a quick plugin in the kit but I really can't figure out these trigger conditions. Menumode is the main menu, or does it mean when the player presses circle? Aaaugh.


But really a plugin is pointless, because this is going to be my menu theme forever...


I realize this isn't exactly what you were asking for, and I hope that we will see fitting tributes in the days to come.

Edited by keapsonlaffin
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