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A.I. intelligence in YOUR HANDS.


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I'm not feeling very creative right now, but what would make a lot of sense is a cover system. I don't mean one like in Mass Effect or Gears of War, but of course one that would feel right in Skyrim. Archers and thieves have to take cover all the time... barrels and crates are often the perfect height, and the ability to look around the corner would make things more realistic and fun. And barrels and crates can be destroyed by you or enemies, that would be cool.

Hmmm are you proposing a 'sticky wall' system. (i hope you know what that is becaus ei cannot explain it well)

What would make adequate cover yet still yield them the ability to fire there bow?

Would this be applied to spell flinging mages as well?

This just calls for explosive barrels....

I don't know the system/mechanic under such a name (though I admit I don't know what it would be called other than a cover system), but I would guess you mean that a set of parameters is programmed so that an entity or wall that is at least x amount in height and y amount in width can be used to activate a cover animation, and a key can be bound to do the activation.


And yes! Taking cover, looking around the corner and shooting some arrows, or some lightning/fire/ice, setting a trap, throwing a bottle of toxic gas or a small bomb...anything goes. I would download this in a heartbeat. This isn't AI I've realized...I'm a little sleepy. But it came up, and it has potential. I mean, of course warriors, mages and thieves would have to take cover...good implementation would really breathe life.

Extremely well said,

I was dissapointed during Demo #2 were you Stealth kill one of the bandits at the front entrance & his companion just unsheathes his sword & sands there. Even if this had been fixed, his priority coding should be to

1:Seek shelter & analyse the threat

2:Douse the fire

3:If possible apply stealth and attempt to gain a visual upon the attacker.


Acover system would have fit 2 of the 3 perfectly!

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So now we have a cover system.

What id like to try next is A.I. team tactics.

How should groups rely off of eachother to best accomplish goals?

A basic, yet valuable tactic is to Have Melee fighters actively guard Archers & mages.


This can be as simple as coding an Npc with a shield to crouch down <sneak mode> and raise his shield.

Then a Mage or archer will stand behind him and use him as moving cover for long range engagements.


Post your ideas below :thumbsup:

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OK my god heres the setup im going in with the DB assassin companion where they can go invisable im toning Umbras lvl down a bit cuz yea cant survive that s*** lvl 1 but the dmg and the armor the samemaking my guy more of a disengager then reengage...so i have good sneak with marksman and illusion for chamelon and invis...added a s*** load of traps so I have to go in front and activate each one while simutaneosly killing the creatures for my assassin to just sneak by...she has a direct route to umbra i made umbras wander position faster so it will be harder for my assassin to get behind for a stealth killi myself can only watch my companion until she barvley dies then kill umbra for myself hehe also the creatures have faster positions also and the mudcrabs no longer move like snails and range it far deadlier so their lunge is almost equal to a rat not too shabby test # 1 god help this work
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so it was a success.....not really hahaha got ya what made you think a lvl1 and a stupid ai wannabe assassin could win vs. umbra well the answer is you cant roflme and my assassin had decent armor weapons boom 1 shot 1 kill =gg for umbra damn wtf made u think i could do it nono what made me think i could do it....things i learned stupid assassin NPC goes into the light toward umbra...noobFFS damn NPCs need to learn to use darkness and dynamically find a route that is closest to darkness the traps obv cannot be avoided unless i interfere which i got from the last expieriemnt and the last thing going against umbra lvl 1 is insanity FFS im so noob <_< not that it shouldnt be done it CANT be done :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
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Ok here 1 more similar scenario instead of the assassination of Umbra im having a horde of zombies she has to fend off herself i will be sitting it out watchng with the UFO cam where she has to make it to the exit...what im hoping to see it retreat retaliations where among the uncountable odds she retreats unsheathes her sword and runs for the exit i have that route all figured out so at 30% hp shell run also just tryiing to see if shes smart enough to use fortify spells to increase survivability like agililty for not being knockbacked fortify fatigue = more dmg and more speed due to my fatigue loss mod and fortift hp at beginning of battle has 1 WEAk restore hp pot but thats it OK ready set go :P
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