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A.I. intelligence in YOUR HANDS.


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and its worth restating .. nothing is known about the AI .. aside from major changes like nate said "a cover system" .. there isn't much we can add .. I could say I hope guards will not be able to hear me behind a wall when I'm sneaking in leather armor .. but for all we know they wont.. some of the previews Ive read even imply that stealth systems are very good this time .. sneaking behind a pillar will really help unlike oblivion where AI could hear you behind layers of rock tunnels .. in combat I hope they dont make them to smart to be honest .. block a few of my blows here and there and I'll be happy .. I hate AI that will sidestep me constantly .. thats super annoying in first person when there are multiple enemies.
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I'm not feeling very creative right now, but what would make a lot of sense is a cover system. I don't mean one like in Mass Effect or Gears of War, but of course one that would feel right in Skyrim. Archers and thieves have to take cover all the time... barrels and crates are often the perfect height, and the ability to look around the corner would make things more realistic and fun. And barrels and crates can be destroyed by you or enemies, that would be cool.

Hmmm are you proposing a 'sticky wall' system. (i hope you know what that is becaus ei cannot explain it well)

What would make adequate cover yet still yield them the ability to fire there bow?

Would this be applied to spell flinging mages as well?

This just calls for explosive barrels....

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.. in combat I hope they dont make them to smart to be honest .. block a few of my blows here and there and I'll be happy .. I hate AI that will sidestep me constantly .. thats super annoying in first person when there are multiple enemies.

Well thats the trick, isnt it. Making opponents which can be deadly clever, but not apply cheap uncounterable tactics.


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2nd attempt fail the trap killed my VIP then i died shortly after to a mage when my MR ran out...but kinda glad they go after the biggest threat 1st i made it to the last group but my companion died at the 1st group kinda funny myabe he needs 1 HP potion?

& what are you learning from each encounter?

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I'm not feeling very creative right now, but what would make a lot of sense is a cover system. I don't mean one like in Mass Effect or Gears of War, but of course one that would feel right in Skyrim. Archers and thieves have to take cover all the time... barrels and crates are often the perfect height, and the ability to look around the corner would make things more realistic and fun. And barrels and crates can be destroyed by you or enemies, that would be cool.

Hmmm are you proposing a 'sticky wall' system. (i hope you know what that is becaus ei cannot explain it well)

What would make adequate cover yet still yield them the ability to fire there bow?

Would this be applied to spell flinging mages as well?

This just calls for explosive barrels....

I don't know the system/mechanic under such a name (though I admit I don't know what it would be called other than a cover system), but I would guess you mean that a set of parameters is programmed so that an entity or wall that is at least x amount in height and y amount in width can be used to activate a cover animation, and a key can be bound to do the activation.


And yes! Taking cover, looking around the corner and shooting some arrows, or some lightning/fire/ice, setting a trap, throwing a bottle of toxic gas or a small bomb...anything goes. I would download this in a heartbeat. This isn't AI I've realized...I'm a little sleepy. But it came up, and it has potential. I mean, of course warriors, mages and thieves would have to take cover...good implementation would really breathe life.

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what i learned was that the A.I needs to learn to avoid "visable" traps lol in the middle of daylight a button in the road with random floating mauls in the air im pretty sure they need to avoid that...also my companions switch targets too often in the middle of the fight my companion was fighting and had the warrior with 1 more hit then switches to the archer WTF lol idiot and dies...ill post more l8r brb bathroom lol
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Also the collateral dmg...i could use that indefinatly against the second group with the mage and warrior...the mage just killed his own teamate in the middle of cobat there should be a tactical system given to the A.I so they can maybe warn? or yell a warning like "hey im cating a fireball wanna move"? lol so the warrior retreats a short distance giving the mage space to engage me from afar then while im weakened the warrior comes to finish me off...also concerning traps in dungeons the people or bandits that suposedly put those traps there shoud be smart enough to disarm them not run through there traps like idiots...
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Where are you coming up with this? Are you just playing it out in your head? I'm a little confused haha.
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