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Unarmored mod brainstorming


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Previous "unarmored" mods in Oblivion were (mostly) using the Acrobatics skill to determine the armor value of playing "unarmored".


I'd like to experiment with such a mod in Skyrim, but I'm hitting a bit of a roadblock thinking up how to implement this without a skill to base the "unarmored defense" skill from.


Thought for a moment to use an inventory "token" or variable to track an "unarmored" skill that could hopefully be tuned to increase at the same rate as a regular armor skill, perhaps a tad slower or faster depending on consensus.


But I thought I'd throw this out to see if anybody else has ideas that could be used for it.. so, there you have it.


Unarmored defense. No acrobatics or athletics. Ideas?

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if you could make a dodge system somehow... lol


the only other way I see is just making an armor value for it, probably threw your own unarmored skill (wich should be possible...) and just have it go off of that lol

Edited by Alistat
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Or you could create a skill for unarmored, with its own perk tree.


* Dodge (evade attack 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%) [5 Perks] [or something similar]

* Tumble (at the end of a high fall, tumble, and reduce damage by 50HP, or 75%, whichever is greater)

* Trap evasion (evade traps, 25%)

* Improved trap evasion (evade traps, 75%)

* Runner (25% increased running speed)

* Sprinter (50% increased sprint speed)

* Ironskin (resist damage 25%, end of perk tree)


Obviously, all numbers placeholders for whatever gives a balanced experience.

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That is an interesting thought.. Have yet to see how well it works into the game though. the evasion/runner/sprinter thing might be better fitting an added skill for acrobatics in itself. It remains to be seen what that would entail though.
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