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IsFacingUp? Any help from NVSE appreciated.


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I'm wondering is it possible to see what IsFacingUp is actually checking? I know what the GECK Wiki says and that is useless to me. I'm hoping to find out if it's the skeleton root node, Bip01, Bip01 NonAccum, or other?


From time to time I can end up with a terrible misalignment from the ragdoll state to the keyframe state playing the get back up animations and I'm trying to narrow in on what the issue is.

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Ah! Thank you very much IsFacingUp is now functioning properly on my new creature and selecting the right animation to play. I assume that it might also accept Bip01 Spine1 since vanilla skeletons make use of it instead 01 in various cases. Looks like that's another bone name that has to be adhered to.


I would also assume the same applies to IsLeftUp?

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I owe you a 2nd bigger thanks! That gave me just that little bit more of a hint about what the game might be up to when it does jump from the ragdoll to the keframe state. It appears that the game re-defines the directional control of the Bip01 bone when exiting the ragdoll state based on the direction the Bip01 Spine01 bone is pointing when the ragdoll came to rest.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to necro this but I'm hoping you could be so kind to check a little bit deeper for me please? Many vanilla skeletons that make use of the function don't have Bip01 Spine01 defined, they have Bip01 Spine and Bip01 Spine1. I've tried Bip01 Spine1 but it fails, my animations for getting back up function perfectly when the creature is face down but I get a 180 degree turn for my face up animations. I'm trying to find out if this is the reason why vanilla skeletons have Bip01 turned 90 degress while also turning the Bip01 NonAccum back 90 in tha animations.

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