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Nexus Mods API for Consoles


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In light of what is going on recently with console modding and bethesda's lack of interest (IIRC).

I do have a suggestion.

The suggestion is as follows.


Main idea
Nexus devs (alone or with help) create an API that interconnects with consoles and allows console users to directly(or indirectly) download mods from nexus.

This way, console users download nexus mods that are directly controlled/managed by the nexus admins.


Helper ideas

  1. Each mod will have a bitmask nipple (or byte or whatever type/structure is good) that represents mod's compatibility
    1. 0000 (0) : Mod hidden
    2. 0001 (1) : Mod can be downloaded for PC users only
    3. 0010 (2) : Mod can be downloaded for XBOX users only.
    4. 0100 (4) : Mod can be downloaded for PS4 users only.
    5. 0011 (3) : Mod can be downloaded for both PC and XBOX users.
    6. etc...
  2. For a mod to be compatible with a certain platform (xbox, pc or ps), It will have to have go through certain platform's approval process. and the mod creator will have to allow its distribution for said platform.
  3. Payment : while PC mods payment/revenue is somewhat managed (Premium or ads). console mods (users or bethesda) should make a similar contribution. this contribution could be some sort of ad system or some sort of payment from bethesda directly. It simply doesn't make sense for nexus to do that for free! (unless of course they want to)
  4. A console-specific nexus mods database that is hosted and maintained by bethesda (or by whomever bathesda sees fit). which is updated (mods/mod changes copied to said database) daily. so that console users do not need to download from nexus servers (if needed). that console specific database should be some sort of a partial mirror database that only contains mods that are console(xbox or PS) compatible. A database should exist for each console.


Other Ideas are welcome.

Edited by Auduu
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