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Enjoyable Efficient Leveling?


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I once thought that either I was playing the game wrong because everywhere I looked the discussion was on how to get 5+5+5. I never got those numbers on level-up. Not even close. What was I doing wrong? I was beginning to worry too much about numbers that I wasn't enjoying the game as much.


Took a long time before I realized it wasn't me at fault but all those others who were hyped on the min/max craze. I chose my skills as I thought the character should live and played the game as I thought fit the role. How the level-up numbers came, well that's just the way they were supposed to be. What you know, I end up having more fun this way.


Then I found Realistic Leveling, a mod that freed me of all that worry and aggravation.

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Efficient leveling sounds boring and restrictive. But really it isn't.
Of course if you take it as a chore it'll wear you out fast. But things will be different if you take your time.

I myself have been going for efficient leveling. My goal is to reach 100 in all skills and attributes.
There are two types of efficient leveling. The difference between them is in your Luck attribute: do you want to max that too? Or not?

Ignoring Luck may sound the best idea at first (since you can only raise it by +1 per level). But that implies that your efficient leveling will force you to care about 3 Attributes (and their _30_ skill ups) at once, per every level. That becomes a chore fast. Having to control so many skills together is stressful, especially in the early stages of the game when you rack up skill points for any wall you bump into.

Instead, if you choose to maximize Luck as well, then your efficient leveling imposes to focus on 2 Attributes (and their 20 skill ups) at once. That's much easier to manage, believe me, and makes you rack up levels faster than you would if you chose to leave Luck at the base value of 50. Having to assemble only 20 skill points also implies that you have to hold back less than you would if you had to accumulate 30 points. Think about it.

I'm currently level 32, Luck is 96, Strength and Endurance are 100, Willpower is 85, other attributes are at 80. And you wouldn't believe how I'm enjoying the game.
If there was any difficult part, it was in the first levels where I focused on getting Endurance and Strength to 100 a.s.a.p. (Endurance because of the well known issue with HP, and Strength because I'm a pack rat).

Then I was able to relax a lot, to the point I decided my schedules on the fly. I just had to keep an eye on the Personality skills -Mercantile especially- to ensure they wouldn't rise too much while I was supposed to focus on other Attributes' skills. In hindsight, it wasn't difficult.
Right now my Mercantile is 95. I'm thinking to use 5 training sessions and painlessly bring it to Master level. Then I'll have one less worry on my mind. Or maybe not, and I'll level it manually. What's the rush anyway? The skills are so high that they almost never trigger out of schedule anymore - I can play the way I like based on how I feel at the moment.

I'll hit level 40 and my Attributes shall all be at 100. At that point I'll have 120 Major Skill points yet to allocate, netting me 12 more character levels. So I'll climb to level 52 and wind up with 690 base HP (my Nord began with 55 base Endurance).

I'm a tough tin can to dent already with 490 base HP. They have to be many & mean to have me worried. Imagine what it'll be with two hundred points more and full access to my skills.






Hmm, I'll have to channel all that Powa into a cause. Give a meaning to it. Something worth of my epicness. Aah, I'll turn into a bloodthirthy villain and slaughter whatever can die. My bounty is gonna rocket through the roof and the only way to clear it shall be *not* to go to prison, but to kill any guard who would dare arrest me. This is a fine piece of logic: if nobody can claim my bounty it's as good as if I don't have no bounty at all. I'll be clean & saint.
Who will be able to stop me anyway mwa-ha-haa? :devil:

Edited by Foina
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