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Christina Grimmie Memorial Mod


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Christina Grimmie not only did a cover of "Dragonborn Comes" on her YouTube, but if I remember right, she once commented that she was a gamer and played Skyrim.



I have no skills with this type of modding, but I thought it would be lovely if someone were to make some kind of statue or memorial to her to go at the Bard's College, and perhaps have her cover of the song played when you touched it or something. Or maybe have a bard NPC at the college in honor of her. Kind of like someone did the beautiful "Bear" memorial mod.


Just a thought.

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RIP Christina Grimmie and all victims of gun violence... :(


(I haven't been able to watch her videos for several years now and didn't come across this cover. Thanks for posting this. I hope the idea gets picked up.)

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I am willing to create a memorial for her.


Oh that would be so lovely! If you do, I will share it around all over the place. It would be very kind. I would also love to write a piece about it for GameDuchess.com if you do. Please feel free to PM me.

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