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a simple fix to the mod stealing problem


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Gawd OP.... I hope you put more effort into the other endeavors in your life than you do in starting new threads. Have a little self respect for pete's sake. Just because we're pretty anonymous here is no reason to sound like you're 8 years 4 years old. I mean there's even a spell checker for cryin' out loud... Wow.


I'm saying this for your own good. If you ever want to be taken seriously, you can't be like that. I won't even get started on your "opinion". I can't even...



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I don’t know if you’re just stupid or ignorant, it takes time to bug test console only issues, make sure the textures and assets, are small enough and the lo-res enough that the sufficiently underpowered systems can handle, some mods use console commands, which people don’t have access to anything other than PC………………………………….

either way that does not excuse theft


EDIT: well I was going to reply to the effect you didn't need to be an a** because his idea wasn't very good, but it's not just you that is being rude to the guy...


Yes, his idea is not all that great, but jeez. No need to mock the guy for trying to help. I am guessing he genuinely thought it was a good idea, and to be treated like he's stupid over it is just ridiculous.


Way to go, friendly community.

Edited by JuJooGuppy
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Sorry, but if i make a mod of some kind, i make it for PC. Reason: i dont care for consoles in any way. I dont even own one of them. So, i can´t test my mod on consoles. The poeple who steal mods wont test them. The steal it, upload it elsewhere, and dont care, if there are problems. But if i release something, its my name, my reputation as a modder whats on stake. The people come to me, whining my mod wont work on ps4 or xbox. And then i am the bad girl. Sorry, but no.


Though, there IS a simple solution. DO NOT STEAL, and pretend its your content.

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