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Hi, Everyone calls me Sparky.


I'm not the most social person, but I have been on forums before. It's been a while though, so I don't exactly remember what sort of things to mention in an introduction post.


My interests seem to cycle I suppose would be the best way to describe it. I tend to like something for a while, and then lose interest, but come back to it much later. I dunno if that's just me but whatever :p


I used to add mods to Minecraft for a while, which is pretty simple for the most part, at least for me. Skyrim on the other hand, is trickier for me for some reason. I tend to use NMM because that's honestly the easiest thing there is when it comes to modding, I don't think I'm alone in that opinion, right? I mean, Unless something breaks of course.


I don't know what else to say though, I kind of need a feel for the community before I can come up with topics usually, sorry.

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I recognize the cycling bit! Same here. Somewhere along the road something went wrong though. Got stuck in the Mod, er Mud. Simply cannot stop tweaking that monstrosiy i created, my Morrowind Mod. Sometimes i hate it. I try to run away. Set fire to my PC. Nuke the appartment. And then it drags me back. Horrible.


One advice: don't ever let your mod come close to your perfect game. Because you'll always find some idea that brings it even closer, which triggers an idea which might --- oh man, modding should be on the FDA blacklist!


NAH. Go for Gold. And above all: have FUN. Welcome!

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