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[Script] Equipping an item with specific modifications - Not the base object

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The problem, I believe, is that EquipItem takes a Form and not an Objectreference. So (again, my understanding) is when you tell it to equip a particular weapon form, it simply chooses at random (from the player's inventory). I've never really tested anything like this, so I can't be certain I'm right in my assumption, though. I don't know if making the item persistent or not would have any effect.



The best thing to do would be to try it and see. When "Form" is described as the function's argument, it can often imply that derived forms such as ObjectReference (which extends Form) may work. AddItem is one such example where this is the case.

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The best thing to do would be to try it and see. When "Form" is described as the function's argument, it can often imply that derived forms such as ObjectReference (which extends Form) may work. AddItem is one such example where this is the case.

This isn't my mod or anything, else I would readily take your advice. :tongue:
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Cheers guys, I'll look into your recommendations once I wake up. Your help is definitely appreciated :smile:. I've been absent from my threads because I've been busy with exams over the past couple of weeks, which I only just finished a few hours ago. I probably ended up spending too much time modding when I should have been studying as it was haha.

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