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Mods you want to see or create


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Something that I'm surprised that wasn't in vanilla: vendors that provide actually services. I don't like that if I don't spend points in the amenity skills (smithing, enchanting, potion-making), you don't get any of the skills. The vendors around the cities should be able to do those things for you, for a very hefty price, with more experienced craftsman in the bigger cities as the go-to guys to craft up to daedric and double enchant your items.

Morrowind had the ability for you to pay to get your stuff enchanted for a perfect chance of crafting; why wouldn't Beth add the same mechanics here? :wallbash:

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Any of these


1.Bravil Sea Domes:For Skyrim

hands down one of my all time enjoyed player house


2.Ren's Beauty Pack & Mystic elves:for Skyrim

another huge thing i enjoyed in TES:Oblivion would love to see in skyrim


3.SoulCalibur 4 & 5 gear & clothes:For Skyrim

love there clothes and armor and would add a lot of new crafting and such to the game


4.Armored Robes:For Skyrim

Big battlemage lover and always up for some Armored robes



5.Big Bad Monsters

always need new things to slay


6.Dark Souls:Gear

the robes and armor in this game are amzing would love to see them in Skyrim aswell

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Personally I would like to see the following:


Extensive Punishments


When I murder over 15 guards, why do I only get 30-40 days in jail?

If anything I should the death penalty. (Chopping Block)

Or perhaps (Many many years in jail)





It would be cool if when my character dies, I have the option of "reincarnating".

The world around me would stay the same. I would still posses all of the same quests and

possibly stats/level/perks/etc.... But I would have to create a new character. And my new character

could even find my previously deceased character and obtain his loot.

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Requesting that someone please make a mod that lets you play as Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 5






Open worlds and Wars in Skyrim - great CK mod ideas.

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I was curious to know if anybody would be interested in creating a mod or a re-skin which depicts Hircine as what he looked like in Morrowind. His quest was the one that I was most excited about and it was awesome, BUT I was honestly disappointed when he came out looking like a dude with his shirt off.


Or at least a shrine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem mod that brings its universe to Skyrim!

With quests, voice overs, weapons, magic style, outfits, etc.


for atmosphere, lore, creature, magic style, and combat.

for lore, magic style, and sanity meter.

for some lore, magic style, and combat.


I have tried to begin creating an Eternal Darkness mod since I got Morrowind for PC, and playing Skyrim has rekindled my creative juices!

I am not a master at the Creation Kit, but I have gone through some tutorials. I am willing to help in any way.

Edited by xelotath
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First, let me thank Bethesda for their vision and the modders for the explosion of creativity since the arrival of Skyrim. Skyrim is an awesome platform and modders have responded!


I see in Skyrim hints of what my dream mods are, already present to a degree. I want magic to be immersive, to feel like I am really doing something, as if my spells do indeed bend the world to my will. Hope was fired up in me when I discovered impassable spiderwebs in caves that I could burn out of the way by casting fire! Or Faralda's test to enter the college - cast the requisite spell upon the glyph which responds with a reactive glow. These things made me feel, a little, as if finally magic would be more than various glowing lights around my raised hand. Rather, magic would be something infused into the fabric of the land, the way of the mage something more of a real discipline, magic itself a tool to accomplish my goals by other means. I want more of that!


I want to conjure daedra only after first researching the chosen daedra, meaning that I would have to know the plane where I would find that daedra - Coldharbour? Ashpit? Moonshadow? I then have to perform some incantation with a protective circle drawn and certain mundane and arcane ingredients found and placed, certain runes drawn, certain movements of my hands and certain words spoken, all to fit the daedra I wish to summon. Once summoned and bound, I could then call them as needed, bound to my will (and always with a chance they could escape to join my enemies!).


With Destruction, I want to use the elements around me, drawing upon a storm to unleash and guide a blizzard! A forge becomes a source for ignition as the very air shutters around a gout of fire I wield. That kind of thing. I could perhaps cast frost on my own but be far stronger when guiding a fortuitous storm!


Illusion - my mana pool should drain in proportion to the intensity, duration and magnitude of what I am trying to make the observer believe.


Restoration should be something like triage. What sort of spell is needed should be determined by the sort of wound I am healing.


And Alteration should perhaps be the most immersive school of them all. Alteration is, as I read in the lore, all about the possibilities of what might be and making it so. So let me alter reality, let my magicka pool drain as I hold back reality until, gasping, I can hold it back no more. Maybe my stamina pool drains too when engaging in Alteration - immersive and also game balancing for such power as this.


Mysticism? Where did that one go? Perhaps mysticism should be brought back as a sort of master school of magic - the study of Mysticism should be empowerment for all the other schools and spells. It could be the way one can transcend merely spell casting to spell creation.


Spell creation!!! I read from one modder's post that the removal of spell creation makes magic mods much easier. I don't understand code so perhaps that is so. I hope not! I miss my custom spells. Some of those spells go back a decade for me to the days of Morrowind. Kinetic Fist, Prostration of Worms, Slippery Glimmer, Glyph of Trodden Frost, Wicked Lick, Command Persona, Ward of the Realm, Pass of Hoarfrost, Gift of the Hebrides, and the Hemotap. You don't know what those spells did but I do. Yeah, they did something that was available at the spellmaking altar of course, which is to say they originate as a spell effect learned from a stock spell. But creating them made them mine. I had one I called Apotheosis of the Aedrakin - it was every effect I could put on my character all at once - shock, frost and fire damage for the visual, fortification effects for the lore I imagined and even some drain/damage effects for the pain (because magic must involve some sacrifice). I used it before boss battles as I drew upon my dual mortal/aedra nature (yeah, imagination overdrive) to summon a greater power than found on this plane alone. Kind of building the drama, just for fun. As a practical thing, Apotheosis was useless - cost too much magicka to sustain all that for long - but that wasn't the point. And the Hemotap? You didn't want to be hit by that one, trust me. Took all the magicka I had but it was the deliverance of pain like nothing else.


Letting me make my own spells let me design these things and it made the game that much more intense. It also let me use spells in ways the spells weren't necessarily intended to be used. Skyrim has this new spell Magelight. Yesterday I "discovered" a cool use for that spell. I don't use it for illumination (currently playing a Khajiit, using a Dark Dungeon mod and limited Nighteye), I use it to find and provoke the enemy. I was standing on the cliff high up in Wolfskull Cave. I'm modded up for increased difficulty so I knew Potema's summoners were far too many and far too powerful to run down there with my little Level 16 thief. But I can stir them up, make them crawl out of their holes and pick them off with my bow and poisoned arrow! Hey, it's working and it's immersive and it's not the same old run down there, hit the mouse button as fast as I can and hope I survive. In Oblivion, I had a similar spell I called "Target Lock" - I'd light up the bad guy with a small area of effect that was nonetheless intense. While they ran around looking for me, I could hide around the corner, watch the changing light and step out at the most opportune moment and take them down. Custom spells do that for you. Makes your style of combat your very own.


Oh yes. If ignite somebody with something like a Firestorm scroll, they ought to be writhing in pain, not continuing to fight until their red meter runs out and they drop dead. I dish out the pain. I want see that animation.


There are such things I'd ask for with combat too. Targeted combat would be nice. Let me target their legs then run. I don't have to kill them, I just have to make them unable to pursue me. Leave them crawling and rethinking messing with that odd little Khajiit named Sugar Lips Habisi (a descendant of the doyenne for you Morrowinders).


Again, let me thank all you modders. And the Forum folks for that matter. Awesome to be able to get together with so many Elder Scrolls enthusiasts!

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