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Oblivion Wont Start New Game


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Uninstall it, go to your old Oblivion folder, and delete it. Then go to your My Documents/My Games (or whatever the Vista equivalent is), and delete the Oblivion folder there, then reinstall. I don't know how to change compatibility mode in Vista, but in XP you had to right click on the exe -> properties -> compatibility, so it should be fairly similar.
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OK. I uninstalled it and did all that b4 reinstalling. And still no luck. Thanks for your ideas though.

The game still acts like the "Yes" start a new game button doesnt exist (absolutly nothing happens when i click it) and my old non-existant mods are still shown.

I have used 44.9 GB of the 68.8 GB of space on my laptop, how much of a difference would this make? And again, this game did once work on this stupid thing.

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ah huh. Registry problems. Follow the guide i recomended earlier EXACTUALLY, and delete anything else you can find with the word ''Bethesda'' and ''Oblivion'' and ''TES'' (Don't do that if you have morrowind ;) )

and hopefully, it will work. if not, you might have to go without Oblivion...also, did you try a save game off here?

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it usually is the registry that gives you issues... Thats ok, just glad to help a fellow Oblvion player.

While im here, Terminator, can you tell me how to fix the pink mountains an stuff? its not that bad, but is just annoying...sorta like the purple tiles thingy, cept much less irritating. (i would'nt mind it, if it had all the standard details.)

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ARGH! :wallbash:

the problem is back again!

i didn't uninstall oblivion all i did was install a bunch of mods, horse armor and all that, then i downloaded ones like midas magic, deadly reflexes and akatosh mount. It was still working except deadly relexs didnt work and a there were a bunch of yellow exclaimation marks around with midas magic. Then i installed shivering isles and now the same problem is back! i have two saved games now but every time i try to load them the computer says that oblivion had stopped working!

Please help!

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