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children dying


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Here you go, killable children in Skyrim: http://www.skyrimnex...file.php?id=656


Which also, oddly enough, allows you to play /as/ a child, though clothing models are invisible.


*edited 'cause wrong link before*




I actually saw this mod up earlier in the day; didn't download it then as I was busy playing Skyrim. Now it seems the URL is down? Been trying to google for alternative links to no avail.


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Would be nice to see if a moderator could inform us about this, quite sensitive subject. lots of people already got the mod so its going to be uploaded SOMEWHERE at least, probably not on nexus if mods decides its not appropriate though. ._.
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Would be nice to see if a moderator could inform us about this, quite sensitive subject. lots of people already got the mod so its going to be uploaded SOMEWHERE at least, probably not on nexus if mods decides its not appropriate though. ._.


Just checked it again; mod is back up! It's a different URL now though.

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The problem with children and their immortality if you ask me is not the fact that you can't run and slaughter them all. It's that if an adult insults or otherwise anger you by for example betraying you or keeping the loot for himself, you can beat him up, kill him, or do something else to get revenge. Now if a child however says "Yea, you can't beat me!" I normally take that as a challenge, quicksave, blow the person up and then load, I can't do that with children, and this infuriates me. Also, it's pretty easy to make it "ok", as opposed to "something psychotic people get".

1. Make sure that you can't loot their clothes, you would not be able to wear it anyway and it would only be worth a few gold, but if you could take their clothes at least put in just as normal underwear as the adults, pedophiles who get off to seeing children in underwear could just google to find what they need.

2. Simply add a large bit of infamy for the first time you kill a child and a little less every time beyond that, it wouldn't make sense to become supreme satan for killing 10-20 children.

3. Give them extremely little hitpoints, I mean so little that they die by one arrow, one slash or even just a second of flames.

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I strongly advise against this, in some countries hosting this sort of thing is illegal. God help us all if you actually put it on a popular mod site, I want my quest mods and not some site to be taken down because of teh immerzion!


No worries people. They made the exact same 'killable children' mod for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. It doesn't influence Bethesda itself, because they're not responsible for whatever modders do. As someone else already mentioned: there hasn't been any controversy about the hundreds of nude-mods.


*Edit: Before I forget, there is 1 exception to the you-can-mod-whatever-rule. Nude children are ALWAYS illegal, even if it is only a videogame. I guess this speaks for itself.

Edited by McCrack12358
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*Edit: Before I forget, there is 1 exception to the you-can-mod-whatever-rule. Nude children are ALWAYS illegal, even if it is only a videogame. I guess this speaks for itself.

Unfortunately, one of the fallout3 mods did have nude child skin, one that obviously someone spent a lot of time on (nothing was omitted). Wasn't fun coming across that hidden "easter egg".



Here you go, killable children in Skyrim: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=656


Which also, oddly enough, allows you to play /as/ a child, though clothing models are invisible.


*edited 'cause wrong link before*

Yup, clothing is invisible. It also bugs out a bit on animation. Weight limit also is different - when I was over encumbered I couldn't move in third person.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know why Bethesda even bothered putting them into the game.


Everyone is so interminably paranoid and over-protective (of a totally fictional VIDEO GAME child!) it's just the biggest *censored* in the world. (Well, come to that, the chronic over-protection of real children is equally moronic.)


It's incredibly annoying and adds nothing to the atmosphere of the game to have an invincible little troll breaking the immersion.


Kill 'em or cull 'em.

Edited by Brittainy
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You can kill them if you use the console command "setrace chicken" to turn them into chickens.


I learned this by accident. I assumed I had created an immortal, whiny chicken. I was wrong. The town guards were very unforgiving of this misunderstanding and killed me before I could attempt to use console commands to undo the damage. Some people just won't listen to reason.


Anyway, the moral of the story is that you shouldn't make killable children mods. You should just mod in a spell that turns them into chickens. Then everyone will be happy, because you're not killing children. You're killing chickens.

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