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What will you do on the 10th?


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I am working out at the Y with a bunch of friends...then having a healthy meal/picnic with those same friends.

What's the Y? We have a school we call the Y in my state!

YMCA. No idea what it stands for, but we had one in Ohio when I lived there...it's like a rec center.

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I am working out at the Y with a bunch of friends...then having a healthy meal/picnic with those same friends.

What's the Y? We have a school we call the Y in my state!

YMCA. No idea what it stands for, but we had one in Ohio when I lived there...it's like a rec center.


YMCA - Young Mans Christian Association

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I am working out at the Y with a bunch of friends...then having a healthy meal/picnic with those same friends.

What's the Y? We have a school we call the Y in my state!

YMCA. No idea what it stands for, but we had one in Ohio when I lived there...it's like a rec center.


YMCA - Young Mans Christian Association

Er...a religious rec center. Learn something every day!

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I will work from 20:00 to 8:00 AM, but I will be free on 11.11. If necesary I will ask my boss(my ex-step daddy, imagine that!!) if I can take a few days off. The rest is simple....
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Let's see...


8:00 AM - Wake up, shower, and get ready for the day.


9:00 AM - Get some breakfast from the school cafeteria (they only serve hot breakfast on Tuesdays and Thursdays - Biscuits and Gravy FTW).


10:00 AM - Go to class for an hour.


11:00 AM go to class for two hours.


1:00 PM - Get some lunch.


1:30 PM - Go to class for another two hours.


3:30 PM - Kick back and relax for about half an hour.


4:00 PM - Finish portion of a project that needs to get done.


5:00 PM - Go out to eat a massive meal before I get set up.


6:30 PM - Go to grocery store and stock up on hand food and caffeinated beverages (I haven't had caffeine in a week and a half, so it's going to hit me like a truck).


7:30 PM - Get my area set up for hours of playing.


8:00 PM - Spend time with other people, because as soon as midnight hits, my social life is over.


10:00 PM - Go to the local GameStop, meet my buddy there, and get excited with the other people waiting.


11:30 PM - The employees will probably bring the games out from the back just to tantalize us.


11:45 PM - Make sure that my spot is secure in the line.


11:59 PM - Longest minute of my life.


12:00 AM (11/11/11 - Get P.O.ed at Gamestop, because they will probably not release the game until 12:01 just to be on the safe side.


12:01 AM (11/11/11) - Get my game and leg it out of the store.


12:15 AM (11/11/11) - Get set up and prepare my mic and my area for a night full of caffeine induced awesomeness.

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Er...a religious rec center. Learn something every day!


The YMCA used to be a lot more than just a rec center. I recall stories from my uncles that they used to have a dormitory where you could rent a bunk for the short-term. They also had some limited job training and placement. It sort of did double duty by keeping young kids off the street and providing a place for relocated bachelors to strike out on a new life. I have no idea what services are still available at the YMCA though. When I was young, we used to swim at the YMCA. It had the best pool in the neighborhood and the gangs in the area basically left it alone in favor of the public pool. I didn't find out about the other stuff until later.

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I'll be doing laundry and dishes to get them out of the way to free up 11.11.


I am SO NOT going to a midnight release. I have a little kid and need to get my sleep. It would be torture to get the game at midnight and then not be able to play it because I have to go to bed. However, as soon as I'm up in the morning I'm going to be grabbing my four-year-old by the hand and saying "Let's go to GameStop!"

Edited by Snowsong
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