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Eradicate Vault 87 quest - post Broken Steel


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I always found it odd that Vault 87 was never addressed. The Brotherhood continues fighting mutants all around the wastes, while attacking the source of the problem is never considered. It's a big loose end, and DC would never know peace until it's closed.


As the only one to ever enter and leave Vault 87 - the Brotherhood would naturally look to you to lead this mission. To guide the Knights and Paladins past the mutant hoards, the radiation, and the lethal FEV chambers. Without the Wanderer it would be a true suicide mission.


Their solution to ending the mutant problem is to collapse Vault 87 and the entire lamplight caverns in on themselves with subteranean charges placed on the main reactor. This would seal it off forever and remove the mutants ability to make more of themselves, finally giving Elder Lyons a chance to finish them off. You would also need to shut off the FEV stores before doing so, so that none would leak out of the caves after.


Before the attack can begin though, the lamplighters must be convinced to evacuate the caves. That falls on you of course, and you have to convince a certain number to either evacuate to the Citadel, Big Town, or some other place. Maybe an evil character could have an option of telling them to go to the Yao Goui caves or Deathclaw Tunnel.


There would also need to be some way to clear out the area above Vault 87 in the irradiated zone. Maybe a nuke could be dropped by vertibird or something.


Or better yet, they could use that Enclave sattelitte to call down an orbital strike once you're done.


Or even bring in a fully rebuilt Liberty Prime to wipe out the mutants, that could make for some good battles with Prime and Behemoths.


As Broken Steel wrapped up the Enclave, this would wrap up the Super Mutants.

Edited by JackTrenton
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