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Extending the Hidden Valley Bunkers, some help please


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see what I am starting on is a quest mod that extends the BOS quests past those three starter quests (at least thats what I consider them to be), basically it involves them sending out teams to the four other bunkers and expanding them.


To make this exciting I'm including some combat heavy areas (areas that are infested with Death Claws, radiation filled bunkers. Spore infested vegetation bunkers, the works.) but to make all this happen I have a simple question.


How can I change the lighting of an area once its quests are completed?


I'll give an example.


one of the starter quests for each bunker will involve finding the backup generator to get the emergency lights working first, which will then lead the way to turning on the main power.


so essentially in a word equation its this.



Clear Bunker entrance -----> find backup generator ------> emergency power is on (previously locked doors can be opened, red lights come on) -------> main route to primary generator is opened up.


is any of this making sense? I'm horrible at explaining things.

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Well, for a light, you have the light-fixture static, and you have the light object you want to use (the actual glow of the light.)


You give the light object a reference ID, and set it as Essential.


Then in your script you can simply disable or enable the light object whenever you light. This script, for example, will turn off a light, when the player enters a trigger:


begin ontrigger player


LightREF.disable ;;;;;disables our light object ref

disable ;;;;;;disables the script box itself, so script can only be triggered once



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Just add in the doors, open their reference windows and give them both a unique reference ID, then open the reference window for one of them, and click the Teleport box, then find the other door's ID in the list.


Or a quick way is top open the reference window for one of them, and leave it open, then navigate to the other door in 3d view, then go back to the 1st one's reference window, and select Select In 3d View (or in window, whatever it says) and double click on the second door, when the curser turns white over it.


Then you just need to adjust the yellow teleport markers that are generated, so they are facing the right way for each door.


And that should be it.

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