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In the video I watched the guy was never in first person. Not before, not during, not after transformation. I can't help you there. But judging by the animations of the werewolf I'd say there's a big chance that's true.
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I hope that third person is forced. Otherwise I know I will use first person. Don't know why.

I think that you can turn to werewolf after completed one quest related to it. (once per day)

And that ring. It allows you to transform (once per day again)

But if you do both, its twice per day.

(pretty nice anyway?)

More kills = longer transformation.

Edited by MrPancakeman
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I hope it's either or. I noticed he was having a hard time hitting enemies in 3rd person, and I have that problem too. If there's no crosshair, I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn in 3rd person, I would personally use 1st person for fighting and 3rd person for all that werewolfy goodness.
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Also anyone know if the forced 3rd person thing is true or not?



if you think about it slowly


a first person video of a werewolf


simply wouldn't "sell" on youtube

Well why not switch between the two? Would "sell" more that way as it shows off more features. Impressing more people.

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Also anyone know if the forced 3rd person thing is true or not?



if you think about it slowly


a first person video of a werewolf


simply wouldn't "sell" on youtube

Well why not switch between the two? Would "sell" more that way as it shows off more features. Impressing more people.

Well, Bethesda may have improved all of their animations a lot, but they're still rather bad, and I've got a feeling they'd be a lot worse in a werewolf's 1st person mode.

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Bethesda are such brave warriors.

Alas, they want to surprise their fans in saying werewolves aren't in. When they really are.

If we look from a businesslike perspective, many companies would use werewolves to get a bigger crowd, but Bethesda cares about their fellow fans more than spoiling stuff, even if it results in lying!

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but Bethesda cares about their fellow fans more than spoiling stuff, even if it results in lying!


They never outright denied they had werewolves, right? They just didn't confirm it, and let people draw their own conclusions.


They probably believed letting people speculate would generate more hype than just confirming it. Turns out, they were right. :smile:

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