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Dread Armor effect


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I think it would be cool if wearing all pieces of Dread Armor (added in OOO) turned player to look like a ghost (like the spectral warriors). I'd do it myself but i have no idea how to do it. Can somebody do it for me or give me some help how to do it myself?

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I think it would be cool if wearing all pieces of Dread Armor (added in OOO) turned player to look like a ghost (like the spectral warriors). I'd do it myself but i have no idea how to do it. Can somebody do it for me or give me some help how to do it myself?

This is actually pretty easy to do. You could slightly modify DreadScriptOOO to add a token to the Player's inventory (if the GetItemCount for that token is 0) and script the token to check and see if the other armor pieces are equipped, then play the GhostEffect if they are. An example script for the token would be:


scn DreadArmorTokenGhostEffectScript

Short GhostPlay

Begin GameMode

If Player.GetEquipped DreadBootsOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadCuirassOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGauntletsOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGreavesOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadHelmetOOO == 1 && GhostPlay == 0

Player.pms GhostEffect
Set Ghostplay to 1

ElseIf  GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadBootsOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadCuirassOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGauntletsOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGreavesOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadHelmetOOO == 0

 Player.sms GhostEffect
 Set GhostPlay to 0

Begin OnUnEquip Player
If GhostPlay == 1
 Player.sms GhostEffect


Try that and see if it works.

Edited by The_Vyper
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I think it would be cool if wearing all pieces of Dread Armor (added in OOO) turned player to look like a ghost (like the spectral warriors). I'd do it myself but i have no idea how to do it. Can somebody do it for me or give me some help how to do it myself?

This is actually pretty easy to do. You could slightly modify DreadScriptOOO to add a token to the Player's inventory (if the GetItemCount for that token is 0) and script the token to check and see if the other armor pieces are equipped, then play the GhostEffect if they are. An example script for the token would be:


scn DreadArmorTokenGhostEffectScript

Short GhostPlay

Begin GameMode

If Player.GetEquipped DreadBootsOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadCuirassOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGauntletsOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGreavesOOO == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadHelmetOOO == 1 && GhostPlay == 0

Player.pms GhostEffect
Set Ghostplay to 1

ElseIf  GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadBootsOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadCuirassOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGauntletsOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadGreavesOOO == 0 || GhostPlay == 1 && Player.GetEquipped DreadHelmetOOO == 0

 Player.sms GhostEffect
 Set GhostPlay to 0

Begin OnUnEquip Player
If GhostPlay == 1
 Player.sms GhostEffect


Try that and see if it works.



Sorry, i didn't quite get that, im not very familiar with modding. Do you mean that i should just copy+paste that code into DreadScriptOOO?

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Sorry, i didn't quite get that, I'm not very familiar with modding. Do you mean that i should just copy+paste that code into DreadScriptOOO?

No, definitely not. That would make the DreadScriptOOO stop working. No, I was proposing a slight alteration to DreadScriptOOO that would add an object with DreadArmorTokenGhostEffectScript to the player's inventory (although the Begin OnUnEquip block needs to be removed. What was I thinking when I put that in there?).

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Sorry, i didn't quite get that, I'm not very familiar with modding. Do you mean that i should just copy+paste that code into DreadScriptOOO?

No, definitely not. That would make the DreadScriptOOO stop working. No, I was proposing a slight alteration to DreadScriptOOO that would add an object with DreadArmorTokenGhostEffectScript to the player's inventory (although the Begin OnUnEquip block needs to be removed. What was I thinking when I put that in there?).


Will it work if i simply change the DreadScriptOOO "Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectDreadArmorOOOalt" to "Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals GhostEffectOOO" and "Player.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDreadArmorOOOalt" to "Player.StopMagicShaderVisuals GhostEffectOOO"?



EDIT: I tried it and it kinda worked (now my character has white haze around him, instead of that black smoke) but it wasn't exactly what i wanted. I want my char to become partially transparent like spectral warriors.

Edited by Priami
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EDIT: I tried it and it kinda worked (now my character has white haze around him, instead of that black smoke) but it wasn't exactly what i wanted. I want my char to become partially transparent like spectral warriors.

I finally got a chance to look it over in the CS. In addition to using PMS EffectGhost, you need to use SAA (SetActorAlpha). To use that properly, you need to alter these two lines of the script:


Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectDreadArmorOOOalt




Player.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDreadArmorOOOalt


Change them to:


Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectGhost
Player.SAA 0.01




Player.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectGhost
Player.SAA 1


You may need to play around with the SAA value a bit, but that should get you the transparency effect you want.

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EDIT: I tried it and it kinda worked (now my character has white haze around him, instead of that black smoke) but it wasn't exactly what i wanted. I want my char to become partially transparent like spectral warriors.

I finally got a chance to look it over in the CS. In addition to using PMS EffectGhost, you need to use SAA (SetActorAlpha). To use that properly, you need to alter these two lines of the script:


Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectDreadArmorOOOalt




Player.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectDreadArmorOOOalt


Change them to:


Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectGhost
Player.SAA 0.01




Player.StopMagicShaderVisuals effectGhost
Player.SAA 1


You may need to play around with the SAA value a bit, but that should get you the transparency effect you want.


It works. Thank you very much!



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