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Be the dragon


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Wouldn't it be a cool mod where you can morph into a dragon (like in Divinity 2), and when morphed get some cool dragon powers (like grabbing creatures, flyby breath and all that).

Since the NPC dragons can do it, I'm sure somebody will work this out.



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Flying as a dragon in Divinity 2 was a lot of fun, especially when 5-10 ballistas were shooting at you in close range :thumbsup:


I'd guess the unmodded/original dragons will already reveal a lot of possibilties to further extend them for even more actions, like riding, controlling, special interactions and so on


Hatching stolen/found/looted dragon eggs could become quests that evolve during gameplay, kind a sounds like training a Pokemon dragon (>^ ^)> go glurak, fire breath!


I'd be totally excited to see my character crafting a saddle to enable riding on a dragon i tamed or raised or whatever, there can be so many combinations

flying around to scout for giants or cows to grab em with my claws to throw em into an enemy dragon, town, evil demon, and so on, just like it was already seen in the "The Elder Scrolls V_ Skyrim Full Demo Part 3"


You mentioned morphing into a dragon, yeah seems totally like a good job for a spell, or a dragon soul in activateable item, like a dragonball <(^ ^<) hmmm kame-hame-ha as a dragon-breath attack spell shooting out of his mouth attacking other dragons? hmmm....


And what else came to my mind, i remember some morphing into a dragon from "The Vision of Escaflowne" this would also make a perfect quest line to build your own flying combat machine, if u tend to hate dragons, but love a guardian/flying-metal-dragon.... guardian on the ground, fully controlable and morphed for air-to-air combat with dragons

hmm and a piece of awesome-sauce maybe needed <( ^-^)>


Wouldn't it be awesome to build it up piece by piece in a let's say 40 subquests big questline?

And seeing your progression while some skilled elven or dwarven blacksmiths put it all together, hmmm?

Should it maybe be considered as a standalone Escaflowne Mod, hmm?

Well, what do u think?




How comfortable, a free to use 3D model, well it looks like it needs some little pieces to be re-done, but it might save some time to use this as a template


and for the ground combat, you could use this one, hmm looks a little bit like a gundam



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