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So who else is having delusional dreams and really bad luck?


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I think the wait for skyrim is finally getting to me. Up till now it really was just in the back of my mind and not something that ment all that much. This morning changed it all...


I started my morning run @ 6am (helps me sleep when I get back). All is normal until about halfway through where I started hearing things. Not the normal crazy person talking to me, but instead someone of nordic person saying that I am not worthy of skyrim because I take it for granted. I thought this was hillarious at first because it had been about 3 days since I last slept so I just continued on. I get back to the house around 7am (always go for long runs, min 5 miles, max 10) and as I walk in I swore I heard my girlfriend mutter N'wah. I turned and said, "what the hell did you just say to me?" She simply replied, "I said hi..."


So at this point I am more than a little worried but I knew I'd run myself down enough to sleep to I pass out. This is where it gets very interesting. I dreamed about being my character in oblivion and about her trip to skyrim (elves don't die form old age). That in and of itself was weird as hell. I began my run past bruma through a pass into skyrim to meet an armored mudcrab with a sign saying No Elves Allowed. I quickly slay them with some midas magic mayham (couldn't tell you the spell but it looked cool so I assume it was midas) and continue my trek through the pass. Near the end of this adventure I finally made it into skyrim, but only to be greeted by a dragon who literally spoke with the voice of sean connery, " Hahaha silly elf there is no admittance for like likes of you. atleast not until 11,11,11 so we can kill you."


At that point I woke.


So I have come to some conclusions


First, no sleep is bad

Second, a glass of absinthe to help knock yourself out after 3 days no sleep is REALLY bad.

Third, I think the game will have it out for my like oblivion and morrowind. Back when I was a console gamer my xbox literally destroyed my oblivion disc the first day...... As for morrowind, it let me get to the point of godhood on the original xbox and then would crash on every save. I couldn't walk anywhere because the game lagged and would crash. Maybe it was too many daedra, maybe it was that when I killed the heart, azura never spawned and I had a bugged game.


SKOOMA IS A POWERFUL DRUG, but TES has it out for me.....


So anyone else as F***ed up as me? Or have as bad of luck?

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Twice now I have awoken at around 6 in the morning thinking it was 11/11/11...obviously both times I was mistaken. I have had a dream where I was in "Skyrim"...however "Skyrim" was nothing like Skyrim other than that it was cold and had dragons. I used to do the same when I was younger, like I would wake up in March and think it was Christmas for a few minutes.

I had a weird dream a night or two after I bought Battlefield 3. My dream was set in around modern day, and a bunch of people were riding in what looked like APC's with mammoth skins draped over them. Out of nowhere, a dragon swooped down an flipped over on of the APC's off the side of a cliff. The APC I was riding in tried to make it into the forrest to escape, all while we taking fire from a bunch of guys behind the treeline. I dont remember much, but I vividly remember watching a Bosmer fire an RPG and an Argonian running around naked while screaming, right before they both got torched by the dragon.

Anyway thats about all the weird stuff that has happened to me.

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