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G.E.C.K - Creating Quest to Kill X


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I have been looking for a tutorial and I have also looked at other quests in the core game files in the G.E.C.K to find how to create a quest script where you must kill X amount of Y to complete it.

Unfortuantly I couldn't find anything, so can anyone link me to a tutorial that shows me how to do this?

Thanks in advance,

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if you have specific creature refs the player has to kill, then you can script that pretty easily.


You just start a script that has a condition that it only triggers the effect, when all refs are dead.


You can say "if Creature1REF.getdead == 1", etc, for the condition.


Then say "MyQuest.setstage 100" or something like that. Assuming you've set the quest up.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm trying to do this as well, but I can't get it to work. What I think I need to do is set something that checks if the creature/actor is dead. Because if you just do "Creature1REF.getdead == 1" it's going to check if the actor is dead at the moment it processes, and then it realizes that the creature/actor isn't dead so it just keeps going on.


I'm thinking about setting a timer that checks every 10-20 seconds, but I have no idea. Anyone have an idea?

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I'm trying to do this as well, but I can't get it to work. What I think I need to do is set something that checks if the creature/actor is dead. Because if you just do "Creature1REF.getdead == 1" it's going to check if the actor is dead at the moment it processes, and then it realizes that the creature/actor isn't dead so it just keeps going on.


I'm thinking about setting a timer that checks every 10-20 seconds, but I have no idea. Anyone have an idea?

OR you could just make a variable which increases with each kill, and use a GetQuestVariable condition to move the quest onto the next stage, when this variable is equal to a certain number. It would be a whole lot simpler.

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I'm trying to do this as well, but I can't get it to work. What I think I need to do is set something that checks if the creature/actor is dead. Because if you just do "Creature1REF.getdead == 1" it's going to check if the actor is dead at the moment it processes, and then it realizes that the creature/actor isn't dead so it just keeps going on.


I'm thinking about setting a timer that checks every 10-20 seconds, but I have no idea. Anyone have an idea?

OR you could just make a variable which increases with each kill, and use a GetQuestVariable condition to move the quest onto the next stage, when this variable is equal to a certain number. It would be a whole lot simpler.


Hm, I'm a bit new to GECK, do you have an example on how to go about this?

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I'm trying to do this as well, but I can't get it to work. What I think I need to do is set something that checks if the creature/actor is dead. Because if you just do "Creature1REF.getdead == 1" it's going to check if the actor is dead at the moment it processes, and then it realizes that the creature/actor isn't dead so it just keeps going on.


I'm thinking about setting a timer that checks every 10-20 seconds, but I have no idea. Anyone have an idea?

OR you could just make a variable which increases with each kill, and use a GetQuestVariable condition to move the quest onto the next stage, when this variable is equal to a certain number. It would be a whole lot simpler.


Hm, I'm a bit new to GECK, do you have an example on how to go about this?


Sure, it's really easy to do:


Scn KillXScript


Short XKills


Add this script to your quest. Then, make a new script:


Scn TotalXKillsScript


Begin onDeath


Set KillXQuest.XKills to KillXQuest.XKills +1




Assign this script to whatever you want X to be (a ghoul, for example). The names aren't important, just make sure that where I've put KillXQuest, you put the name of your actual quest.

Edited by EsvDefcon
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