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Decapitation and Limb damage..?


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Would anybody like to speculate how the engine deals with the decapitations :devil: we have seen in some vids. I myself am not sure if the script is causing the model to detach the head, or if the game engine is swapping out the model for the decapped one when the sword makes contact with the neck.! I ask because I would like to see some kind of nasty gruesome wound effect on the victim during the finishing move animations. Currently I think they look bad without any indication of damage to the victim. If the model can be swapped out on the fly during an animation then It should be a simple task of replicating said models with a wounded version corresponding to what type and where the weapon hits the victim. That coupled with some nice particle blood effects as well as a generous dose of decals should spice things up quite a bit in terms of an adult rating at least.! You thoughts on this fellas..? ;)
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The first mod I will work on is a kind of Assasins Creed move/animation whereby you can grab a citizen by the scruff and walk them around anywhere you want. I would like to try and create a player move whereby you can grab and drag any NPC anywhere you see fit. Im thinking along the lines of a hair grab and drag across floor type move that hopefully can be incorporated into one of them scripted finishing moves. I hope these set moves can be modded to be toggable instantly so we can create and activate anykind of animation we can think of. That would be really cool if we can.

My plan is to implement a drag to place animation together with a few execution style moves, so the more despicable of us can stalk, and abduct unsuspecting NPC's, drag em to a secluded alley, rob them blind, then chop their head off, all why they beg and plead for mercy. Could have a execution style weapon wheel for choice, lol :thumbsup: Nice.. :whistling: Ohh the possibilities..

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Not sure on the HOW of it with decapitation or limb damage, but the latest vid, which dealt with animation specifically, showed combat with a giant where striking its knee made it lose balance and actually crouch/kneel down. So there IS animation physics to work with. Havok Behavior is leaps and bounds more advanced and FLEXIBLE than Gambryo ever was.


my point.......it will likely be possible to mod in some kind of damage effects like you are talking about.

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The first mod I will work on is a kind of Assasins Creed move/animation whereby you can grab a citizen by the scruff and walk them around anywhere you want. I would like to try and create a player move whereby you can grab and...


Oh man, if we can attach actors proper, I am so doing a Human Centipede mod.


Back on topic, I really hope that single bones/bone chains get detached. In F3 they copied the whole skeleton, and dragging body parts around felt really clunky because of it sometimes.

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