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Decapitation and Limb damage..?


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If anyone does work on this I hope they take out the decapitation by blunt weapons and replace it with something more appropriate to a crushing blow. It just doesn't look right to see a hammer take off a head like was an axe


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  • 1 month later...
just by how the skeleton behaves after a decapitation happens, im fairly certain it is the same skeleton as before the decapitation took place. Also notice that the head has its own physics after the body falls. Im pretty sure bethesda has something cranked in there that allows the skeletons to separate finally :D someone better make it possible to chop bodies in half like that mod in oblivion. (mmmm.....blood)
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Does anybody tried this ini setting?



bDismemberOneLimb=1 (default = 0 )


For me it is not working so far. Probably, they planned to implement something like that.


However, the following works fine:



bEnableHavokHit=1 (default = 0 )


In RL loosing an arm means end of a combat, but we are dealing with magic and fantasy: everything is possible. But combat with one arm require complex animations change.

I failed to find magic effects in Skyrim that could make similar damage as big projectiles that can dismember limbs. Anyhow, it would be interesting to mod this feature for certain cases.

Edited by A1x2e3l
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