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fallout3 black reaper outfit Request.


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ok now as the name inplys i am requesting a serten outfit be made. i don't want it to be unbalanced but it needs to look exactly like the one in the pics i will post.also i want 5 difrent "masks" not helmets and i want 2 difrent vershens of the 5 masks made also(i will post pics of them as well).


ok the first and probly the esyest is the clothing

i want this http://www.hellocosplay.com/images/darker-than-black-cosplay-costume-1.jpg with black jenese & a black arme boots(not steel tow).

as for the "masks" i want these.

this one i want in this greenis color and white.


this is a verent of the wight one i was talking bout.i also want this as a mask


a nother verent of the white one i want


now i also want ech of thows to have a sepret vershen wher the eyes have a red glow in the senter the glow should look some thing like this


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