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Quest Timing


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I have been doing a lot of wandering around, and not al lot of questing lately. Especially main quests.


I was wondering if a quest will become failed, or will the world change on its own, if I don't do anything? Like if I waited a long time would an NPC possibly kill anther NPC, and then not come back to life, etc.


Or, can I safely take my time through the world, on my own time?

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In Oblivion, nothing, I mean nothing will happen unless you directly cause it to happen. You can even prolong the Daedric Invasion if you want. I know I did. I spent about 200 hours playing the game before I finally delivered the amulet to Jaufree.
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AFAIK there are two quests where there is a time limit. A Brotherhood Betrayed in Bruma and Closing the Bruma Gate. The second is made extremely obvious in the game, the first is less so. It does not happen when you first get the quest but when you are told to go to Boreal Stone Cave. Otherwise I don't think it matters how long a quest is open.


(I am not sure about the plug-ins or SI but I can't remember any there either.)

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