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Legion vs. Stormcloaks


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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe you'll laugh at me but it seems to me many don't know you can escape from the dragon in the tutorial with an Empire guy. I didn't see anyone take this option in any LP. Doing so and advancing a little further in the world made me realize there is no Good vs Bad. It's just opinion.
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The Stormcloaks made the decision for me when a patrol of three started picking a fight with me for absolutely no reason in the remote western area of Skyrim.


Didn't fight them, but signed up with the Legion pretty much for that reason. :biggrin:

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The conflict between Empire vs. Stormcloaks boils down to Imperial Law vs. The Right to self Rule.


The Leader of the Stormcloaks first murdered the High King for his continued loyalty to the Empire, then amassed an army to try to force the Empire out of Skyrim. His problem with the Empire is not direct, he has a problem with the Altmeri Dominion. He doesn't like Elves, plain and simple.


Because the Altmeri Dominion forced the Empire to surrender and accept the White Gold Concordat, the Stormcloaks feel that the Empire is not fit to rule them. The Thalmor, don't endear themselves to the PC throughout the game, so it is easy to see the Stormcloak's point. The Empire wants to maintain the status quo, all the while being restricted from overwhelming reinforcement due to the risk of being open to complete destruction by the Altmeri should their border go undefended. The Stormcloaks, if they win, will force the Empire completely out and expell the Thalamor Embassy and any Altmeri left in Skyrim. Their forces are not sufficient to keep the peace on their own however, a concern which the Empire points out at every opportunity.


Any student of history however can see the parallels to our own Dark Ages. The Empire is doomed. 200 years after a legitimate Emperor, it is fractured, and humiliated by the Altmeri and scrabbling to hold onto the territory it held for so long. It doesn't have the will to continue however. It will wind up falling very soon. Skyrim is on its own regardless, whether it waits til the Empire completely falls or throws off its withering yoke now. The Altmeri Dominion is the next big threat and the Stormcloaks are already trying to fight that war, while the Empire has no choice but to capitulate and try to stall for time to shore up its defenses against the inevitable Altmeri Invasion.


I am on the fence here. But, I think I have convinced myself that both the Empire and Skyrim would be better off if the Stormcloaks win. The Empire cannot afford to finance a war in Skyrim and needs the Legions on the frontier with Altmer. The Stormcloaks need to gather their forces and develop their Kingdom independently from the Empire if they can hope to resist the Altmer when they come. So, looks like I am heading to Windhelm and speaking to Ulfric. Sorry Whiterun, you are gonna need to take a side.

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