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Legion vs. Stormcloaks


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Well it seem both has their good and bad sides. Ulfrid seems to not care for other races besides the Nord. I prefer to go against both of them if the game have that option, but I haven't progress far into the game.


It's interesting how will the Elder Scrolls writers take their story, continue the Empire collapse or unite it. If they unite it then its easier for them to to stick with the king and queen stuff which isn't that interesting to me. I'd like to see them keep continue with the collapse and have the main character lead the actual uprising.


This is how I feel about the matter. Ulfric/his followers are somewhat racist, and the Empire stands for the interest of the obnoxiously arrogant Thalmor. This actually makes the game quite realistic: there is no good and bad in life, but two sides with advantages and disadvantages.


On the other hand, I have played quite long (> lvl 40), not really progressed in the main story, and there was no decisive moment or bait that made me pick one side.

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Well it seem both has their good and bad sides. Ulfrid seems to not care for other races besides the Nord. I prefer to go against both of them if the game have that option, but I haven't progress far into the game.


It's interesting how will the Elder Scrolls writers take their story, continue the Empire collapse or unite it. If they unite it then its easier for them to to stick with the king and queen stuff which isn't that interesting to me. I'd like to see them keep continue with the collapse and have the main character lead the actual uprising.


This is how I feel about the matter. Ulfric/his followers are somewhat racist (which, as a high elf, kind of excludes them as possibility), and the Empire stands for the interest of the obnoxiously arrogant Thalmor. This actually makes the game quite realistic: there is no good and bad in life, but two sides with advantages and disadvantages.


On the other hand, I have played quite long (> lvl 40), not really progressed in the main story, and there was no decisive moment or bait that made me pick one side.

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Why do people say the empire is thalmor puppets i want to see proof as ive seen none when you finish the legion quests one of the people even suggests that theres another war with the thalmor approaching.If bethesda makes that into a sequel it will be ledgen...dary The elder scrolls war of the empires.
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One of the things that tipped the balance for me in favour of the stormcloaks was the Thalmor, and the way the White-Gold Concordat gives them such huge influence in Skyrim. I was already essentially at war with the Thalmor thanks to my kill-on-sight policy, and supporting the empire would give the Thalmor extended control over Skyrim, something I could not allow. If an expansion allows you to support the empire, but seperately take down the Thalmor in Skyrim, I will follow that path with a new character. But for now, I use Wuulthrad in support of Ulfric. Companions ftw.
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I hate the Thalmor with a passion and was planning to side with the Stormcloaks, but after doing the first few quests I realised just how horrible a person Ulfric is and had to load up an old save and go Imperial instead.


Going to try a second character as Stormcloak now that I know what to expect, but... I never thought I'd come across a game character I despised as much as Ulfric, even that damn Thalmor ambassador is easier to talk with.

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That brownish-blonde dude is a pig. I don't like him, at all. Ever.




Especially since my first (current) character is an Imperial woman.


And now a Dunmer man. Ulfric treats us Dunmer like crap so I have no choice but to side with Tullius. He's an okay guy once you develop a sort of relationship.

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I believe in Republicanism and even though Emperor Septim might have brought unity and peace to Tamriel, i still believe provinces should be self governed and be left to their own cultures and believes, thats why in most cases i would go along with the rebels to change the system so in this case the Stormcloaks. Saying that in both my games i followed the legion fella in the tutorial because i didn't know i could choose!



Reasons i hate the Legion


- Stupid armour compared to Oblivion

- Tried to behead me twice then wanted to be best friends

- They basically run as a dictatorship



Reasons i hate the Stormcloaks


- Stupid looking armour

- Stupid name, which faction is named after somebodies surname?

- Arrogant leader who seems short tempted

- Their main followers are from cities under 100ft of snow

Edited by GoodfellowGoodspring
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That brownish-blonde dude is a pig. I don't like him, at all. Ever.




Especially since my first (current) character is an Imperial woman.


And now a Dunmer man. Ulfric treats us Dunmer like crap so I have no choice but to side with Tullius. He's an okay guy once you develop a sort of relationship.


Do the Dunmer experience more progress in the Gray Quarter if you side against Ulfric, or are things the same?

Edited by LobselVith66
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