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Trying to make some rubble dissapear after a


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Okay what I am doing is expanding some of the Hidden Valley Bunkers, which can only be started once you have completed the BOS quests and become a Paladin.


Now what I would like to know are three things.


-Can I script a certain piece of rubble dissapear and put some Brotherhood guys standing around it?


- How do I connect two interior cells?


- And last but not least, can I snap pieces of kit together?


would welcome feedback.

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1. Yes. Find the rubble in geck and make it persistent, and give it a name like MyBunkerRubble01Ref, etc. Similarly, create the NPC's and give them names like MyBunkerNPC1Ref, etc; place them where you want them and set them initially disabled. Then in your quest script, disable the rubble and enable the NPC's.


2. The only way to connect cells is with doors.


3. Yes, you can snap. Use the snap button in the top toolbar of the geck. I use a value like 64, or 128 for fast work with simple pieces.

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