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Something I'd like to know before I start learning how to mod (scr


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Ok, everyone is always getting on my case because I have this idea (which no one else is even interested in) that could be awesome. Though I need to know if it's even possible before I waist my damned time learning something that is going to be complicated and time consuming.


Okay, so there are weapons on the Nexus that bring up a menu whenever you equip them. Usually the options change the function or even change the model. Now, let's take a Perk. Perks can have all sorts of scripts added to them correct? Well, what if we designed a perk to always choose the weapon's option for you, would that work?


That's it. That is the question.


On a side note. It is possible to assign body types as new races right?


Edit: Sorry 'bout the title. I didn't see that I went over the character limit.

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