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Can anyone explain this?


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I'm not sure what mod is doing this, but all of them are right beside the road at regular intervals, so I think it might be ELECTROCITY, but I'm not sure. Anyone get this before?


It means that you're missing something. Could you please add your mod list to your post? That would help people a lot:)




Just wait a minute, I'll launch my game and check what's in that spot for me. I have that mod also.




Yeah, there's supposed to be a lamppost in that spot. It's most likely ElectroCity, have you tried reinstalling the mod?



Edited by nahtanoJ
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When installing ELECTRO-CITY, you have to copy the MESHES and TEXTURES folders into your DATA folder as well as the ESMs (as mentioned in the INSTALLING ELECTRO-CITY part of the description page). If you've done that and are still getting those errors, then you need to check ARCHIVE INVALIDATED in FOMM.


- David

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