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Hi all, I'm new to modding, and have learned quite a bit, and am a huge stickler for detail.

After creating an area, I create a nav mash by hand, (haven't figured the auto fill). After the build, cover edges, and the finalize, i am left with a beautiful nav mesh. However after saving, it will either create a bunch of door portals in strange places,( where no doors are to be found) or I get the nav mesh error that says "failed to locate door portal".

Is there a size limit to the nav mesh? Or is it just being Funky.

I'm running a high end machine, with oodles of memory, and am sure I can create maps too big for the game engine (Been there done that)

I've gone over and used the navmesh wiki, but it doesn't find any problems.

During the game sequence, the enemies do what ever they are supposed to do.

Am I just being too fussy, or is there a problem that I can work on.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I had a similar issue with an external navmesh I modified quite awhile ago. The part of my navmesh this was happening in didn't even have any exit portals. I would correct one triangle, but then it would just appear in a different triangle. I never did figure out the reason it kept creating the exit portal triangles all over the place but I finally ended up using FO3Edit to remove a flag from the offending triangle and that fixed it.

For the life of me I cannot remember the number of the flag I removed but hopefully you can figure that part out.

Hope that at least narrows it down for you, sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

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