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Uniquee Landscapes Crash


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I'm using OBMM and OBSE and Unique Landscapes doesn't work. Everything is fine until I click continue which brings up the loading screen and then crashes. The mods I currently have are :

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Realistic Leveling

Auroran Battle Steed

Capes and Cloaks

Natural Environments

A Blades House

Midas Spells

Better Dungeons

Evantal's Dual Wielding

Reneers Guard Overhaul


If you guys could help me I would be grateful. Thanks!

Edited by godstofu
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I'm using OBMM and OBSE and Unique Landscapes doesn't work. Everything is fine until I click continue which brings up the loading screen and then crashes. The mods I currently have are :

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Realistic Leveling

Auroran Battle Steed

Capes and Cloaks

Natural Environments

A Blades House

Midas Spells

Better Dungeons

Evantal's Dual Wielding

Reneers Guard Overhaul


If you guys could help me I would be grateful. Thanks!

I'm also using UL Compilation with OBMM and OBSE and I don't have an issue. Are you certain your game was working fine before installing UL? Did you download the patches for mods to work together with UL?

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If you fail to install all the new meshes that come with Unique Landscapes, then your game could crash in an area with missing meshes, even before you establish visual contact with them.


If your computer is old, and slow, has too many mods, or has too many processes running in the background, the lag caused by Unique Landscapes could be enough to crash your game.


But I might not be answering the right question.


Your savegames could be warped such that you will need to use OBMM to resynch your mods with your savegame to continue playing with exactly the same mod list you used earlier. (It is sad, but savegames can get sick and only work in favorable conditions forever after.)

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