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Full list of Racial Bonuses


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Honestly I think that if you want to play an RPG, there should be clear differences between the races. What's the point in having 10 equally-powered races, especially now when we only have the ability to choose a race and not major/minor skills?


Each one of the races have been designed to basically match the characteristics of their nature. If you think about it, is it really wrong that an orc, who is naturally an axe-wielding/skull-bashing/head on to battle- type, has a stronger racial bonus than, for example a wood elf?


I don't mind the challenge to bring down a dragon with my assassin character, it just brings more suspension and is more rewarding to me.

amen to that!

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I personally try not to pick races because of racial benefits and combat benefits...I typically pick more in line with my roleplaying desires.


I've always been a fan of human races and the new dark elf appearance looks very nice...so I don't know :P Dark Elf or Nord I guess.


I'd probably play a one-handed weapon/dual wielding race, so I'd pick a race that gives benefits to them. Light Armor+One-Handed would be a bonus for me.

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But orcs do not get any persistent benefits... and bosmer have a rather specialized (and perhaps not so useful) daily benefit...


Maybe the folks at Bethesda thought that the orcs dont need any persistent benefits, to keep it in some limits. Imagine the ranting that we would be witnessing if orcs did have a persistent racial bonus in addition to the berserker rage..


But anyway, i guess all worries and doubts will be forgotten as soon as we get the game in our hands and are let in to the amazing world of Skyrim. I know I will be just overwhelmed and unable to think any possible flaws. TES games have always been proven the most immersing and convincing games of all time - to me at least. Cant wait till i get this! :smile:

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