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Total Sandbox/Rehaul Mod


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Dear TES community,


This mod cannot entirely be explained without knowing all possible elements of Skyrim that the spirit of this conflicts with. We aim, through all points of revision, to create a greater open world style of gameplay, changing/fixing all elements of the game that detract from this.


Major Points:

- Rehaul racials. TES has always had a greatly important racial element, down to racism, race specific quests, etc. The main part of racials that has always detracted from the game is the base stat changes and racial ability/passives. The race should not conflict with the style of character you wish to play. The first change will be to add another menu option when creating your character that allows you to essentially choose what racial passives you would like. Going to keep it simple and balanced. The point is to allow more in depth role-playing.


-Greater household options. It has been confirmed that you will be able to marry NPCS as well as have them do household/other tasks for you. Despite loving Bethesda, I doubt this will be explored to the greatest extent.


-Housing. Upgrades to basic as well as custom thematic houses. Mainly to include more functionality, even if at the cost of gold.


-Cleaning up of inventory/storage. An option that will probably fall under household. Objects such as the house deed+ the papers for showing that you own elements of the house (couch, kitchen add on, so on) will be shown as part of the house now, displayed elsewhere. Also- unique objects, such as things that exist only once within the world, will be stored in the Trophy menu. Something along the lines of that. It can still be withdrawn and placed about your house or whatnot. It just falls under an alternate category. All "trophies" will also be made weightless.


-Cleaning up of glitches/things that can be abused. Cheating. Not allowed. Probably going to disable the enabling of godmode and all other sorts of godliness as well.


-Small shift to how shops function. Ever wonder why you can steal everything out of a store and they maintain their stock in the actual shop menu? Changing all shop objects to reflect theft/sale properly with the owner. If you buy a sword that appears in a glass case behind the counter, then it will disappear. Stock will be regenerated based on store. This requires a great deal of consideration and we've yet to figure out how to still allow theft but not let you take the entire stock. Most likely things of greater value will be located within an inaccessible yet visible area (i.e. glass case).


-Children Vulnerability. Invulnerable children shall be no longer. Little bastards.


One mod we did for oblivion (to great success) was the inclusion of a hobo quest hub/building upon what they can do.

There may be modding of the skill tree. It depends on how well it functions.


All ideas/suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Aim for the first release is around the 18th.


~MrLuckyCharm and his associate Mister Mr.

Edited by MrLuckyCharm
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can not possibly agree more with all these things =) and as also stated in another thread somewhere here, kids will run away if you hit them and not start punching you (or worse?). However they should go run and tell a guard, seems more realistic to me =)

i also had an idea for a quest where your hosue gets robbed and you'd find a clue as to who it could be... imagine the rage that people would be in when they'd see all their precious loot gone... :P (especially if they didn't know it was in the mod in the first place ;-) )

also, adding to household options, don't know if vanilla skyrim will have it offcourse, but if it doesn't: your partner should have a job and you should have acces to the household funds. however if you plunder them and allways drain the household funds, your partner won't be happy =)

also, yay @ my first post here :P

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I agree with everything except one thing: the shops' more expensive items being inaccessible. They should be accessible, but very hard to gain access to: aka, they're in plain sight of the shop owners and they've very hard lockpicks (or whatever the highest difficulty for lockipicking is). This takes me to another idea - real-time lockpicking and using magic for locks.


Conversations are real-time now, so why not have lockiping be in real time too? It's a bit unrealistic if, for example, you're trying to flee from monsters in a dungeon, yet you find a chest and decide to open it. To do so you have to pick the lock - but isn't it unrealistic that time simply stops whilst you stand there lockpicking? So, there should be a mod that makes lockpicking happen in real time. No more standing around enemies lockpicking whilst time is paused. This would mean that, if an NPC realises that you've broken into their store (perhaps they walk by during the night and see the store has been broken in to) they go in and find you lockpicking and call the guards. Also, say you fail to pick a very hard lock: a magic trap triggers and damages/kills you. It would be a great way to make the player think very carefully about practicing their lockpicking skill, because right now, anyone can pick a very hard lock, it just takes a bit of precision, which is silly IMO.


Of course I'm pretty sure that all of this is probably rather difficult to script, especially with a new engine that everyone will have to learn about all over again, but it would be a great addition to a great game, along with all of your ideas.

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well, but you could just go steal every very expensive item then... sure it'll be hard but not hard enough...

I do like the idea of no time freeze when lockpicking (but who knows we will have that in skyrim already ?

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