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So my 21st birthday is November 10th..


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While I have a ton of stuff planned with friends that night, I'm probably most looking forward to showing up at gamestop on midnight, buzzed(with a friend driving) and ready to play Skyrim all night! Probably the best birthday present ever. On a side note I still have no idea what I want to play..


I played morrowind when I was still a kid and had a redguard warrior, who ran around with Umbra naked at 200 mph and killed everything.. And in oblivion I was a sword and board fighter again for my main playthrough. This time I want to try something more creative. I was thinking a two-hand weilding, plate wearing necromancer. Something along the lines of a dark paladin, but I'm not sure how effective that will be in practice..


Sorry if this was a pointless post, but I just thought it was awesome when I found out the release date was the day after my 21st birthday and wanted to share.. :) Also this is my first post!

Happy early birthday! I remember when I turned 21 like it was yesterday. Of course that was only five months ago so there you go lol. A dark paladin sounds awesome. For a necro you would want a high conjure skill for the zombies and such. You could also make use of the increased conjure skill and used conjured weapons. A sword and board build with pets sounds like a great build to me. It would have a LOT of survivablity. The only downside is that you will have to spend some attribute points on increasing magic so you will have to give up some health or stamina. That shouldn't be to much of a problem though considering that you'll have pets to distract and spread out the damage, and shield for defensive damagae mitigation.

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Don't listen to the people telling you to get trashed. Yeah, it may sound cool to brag about getting lit up, but when you spend the majority of the night in a daze not remembering it and waking up feeling like utter s***, it's not worth it. My 21st was on a Sunday night and went barhopping. I didn't plan on getting trashed, but a friend was driving and all the bars gave free drinks to me. I woke up on the bathroom floor in my own vomit. I still went to work and I even ran a press while puking in a bucket. It was the worst day of work in my life. In the 4 years I worked at my job, I never took a sick day and while I would have stuck out work all day after my 21st. but my boss said I could take a half day (which I did). It was the WORST day of work in my entire life. The only thing I wanted to do was go home and lay in bed. Not only that, but be smart. I've lost one friend to drug od and another consumed too much alcohol and decided to walk home...then passed out on train tracks and died.


The moral of the story is don't get trashed. You may have every intention (like I did) to only get effervescent. However, with the pressure from friends and free drinks from bars, you end up consuming way more than you want to. Trust me, if you get too wrecked, you won't even want to play Skyrim the next day. Pace yourself and be smart.

Edited by ajrunke
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Don't listen to the people telling you to get trashed. Yeah, it may sound cool to brag about getting lit up, but when you spend the majority of the night in a daze not remembering it and waking up feeling like utter s***, it's not worth it. My 21st was on a Sunday night and went barhopping. I didn't plan on getting trashed, but a friend was driving and all the bars gave free drinks to me. I woke up on the bathroom floor in my own vomit. I still went to work and I even ran a press while puking in a bucket. It was the worst day of work in my life. In the 4 years I worked at my job, I never took a sick day and while I would have stuck out work all day after my 21st. but my boss said I could take a half day (which I did). It was the WORST day of work in my entire life. The only thing I wanted to do was go home and lay in bed. Not only that, but be smart. I've lost one friend to drug od and another consumed too much alcohol and decided to walk home...then passed out on train tracks and died.


The moral of the story is don't get trashed. You may have every intention (like I did) to only get effervescent. However, with the pressure from friends and free drinks from bars, you end up consuming way more than you want to. Trust me, if you get too wrecked, you won't even want to play Skyrim the next day. Pace yourself and be smart.



I'm sorry this is terrible advice.

I mean, it's good advice, but it's also terrible advice.

Having been a University student for three years, I know a little bit about drinking, and preaching composure on your 21st birthday is just pointless.

Drug overdoses are obviously terrible but completely unrelated, and on the other point, you simply don't walk home on your own, which most people who drink heavily tend to avoid anyway. I'm not making light of your plight, and I'm sorry for your losses, but the fact is it's entirely possible to get both wasted yet still retain some form of responsibility as long as you have trustworthy friends around.


It's my 21st soon, I don't intend to remember any of it. At this age, it's just...necessary, and yeah you might feel like crap the next day but damn that's what being 21 is all about. There's no reason to be an absolute wreck no, but if you've got friends with you, and especially for an event like your 21st birthday. I say go nuts.

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