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So my 21st birthday is November 10th..


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Don't listen to the people telling you to get trashed. Yeah, it may sound cool to brag about getting lit up, but when you spend the majority of the night in a daze not remembering it and waking up feeling like utter s***, it's not worth it. My 21st was on a Sunday night and went barhopping. I didn't plan on getting trashed, but a friend was driving and all the bars gave free drinks to me. I woke up on the bathroom floor in my own vomit. I still went to work and I even ran a press while puking in a bucket. It was the worst day of work in my life. In the 4 years I worked at my job, I never took a sick day and while I would have stuck out work all day after my 21st. but my boss said I could take a half day (which I did). It was the WORST day of work in my entire life. The only thing I wanted to do was go home and lay in bed. Not only that, but be smart. I've lost one friend to drug od and another consumed too much alcohol and decided to walk home...then passed out on train tracks and died.


The moral of the story is don't get trashed. You may have every intention (like I did) to only get effervescent. However, with the pressure from friends and free drinks from bars, you end up consuming way more than you want to. Trust me, if you get too wrecked, you won't even want to play Skyrim the next day. Pace yourself and be smart.


This man speaks the truth iv'e lost 2 friends as well from over drinking and they thought it'd be fun to drink

the utmost amount of liquor they could and both of them got alcohol poisoning, too be honest the average male of 180-200 pounds which they were about can

only drink 2-3 shots before they're semi drunk or in equivalent to 4-5 beers and most youngsters dont realize that till it's too late and instead they have 18 beers 10 shots.

and end up not waking up ever again.


so short story have a few drinks and go home and play skyrim like you said and just enjoy your night to the fullest.


and EDIT: i didnt mean youngsters against anyone they were both under 18 at the time and didn't realize what they were doing.

Edited by Drugey
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Don't listen to the people telling you to get trashed. Yeah, it may sound cool to brag about getting lit up, but when you spend the majority of the night in a daze not remembering it and waking up feeling like utter s***, it's not worth it. My 21st was on a Sunday night and went barhopping. I didn't plan on getting trashed, but a friend was driving and all the bars gave free drinks to me. I woke up on the bathroom floor in my own vomit. I still went to work and I even ran a press while puking in a bucket. It was the worst day of work in my life. In the 4 years I worked at my job, I never took a sick day and while I would have stuck out work all day after my 21st. but my boss said I could take a half day (which I did). It was the WORST day of work in my entire life. The only thing I wanted to do was go home and lay in bed. Not only that, but be smart. I've lost one friend to drug od and another consumed too much alcohol and decided to walk home...then passed out on train tracks and died.


The moral of the story is don't get trashed. You may have every intention (like I did) to only get effervescent. However, with the pressure from friends and free drinks from bars, you end up consuming way more than you want to. Trust me, if you get too wrecked, you won't even want to play Skyrim the next day. Pace yourself and be smart.


and yada yada yada.........

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Don't listen to the people telling you to get trashed. Yeah, it may sound cool to brag about getting lit up, but when you spend the majority of the night in a daze not remembering it and waking up feeling like utter s***, it's not worth it. My 21st was on a Sunday night and went barhopping. I didn't plan on getting trashed, but a friend was driving and all the bars gave free drinks to me. I woke up on the bathroom floor in my own vomit. I still went to work and I even ran a press while puking in a bucket. It was the worst day of work in my life. In the 4 years I worked at my job, I never took a sick day and while I would have stuck out work all day after my 21st. but my boss said I could take a half day (which I did). It was the WORST day of work in my entire life. The only thing I wanted to do was go home and lay in bed. Not only that, but be smart. I've lost one friend to drug od and another consumed too much alcohol and decided to walk home...then passed out on train tracks and died.


The moral of the story is don't get trashed. You may have every intention (like I did) to only get effervescent. However, with the pressure from friends and free drinks from bars, you end up consuming way more than you want to. Trust me, if you get too wrecked, you won't even want to play Skyrim the next day. Pace yourself and be smart.


and yada yada yada.........


you're incredibly rude.

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Don't listen to the people telling you to get trashed. Yeah, it may sound cool to brag about getting lit up, but when you spend the majority of the night in a daze not remembering it and waking up feeling like utter s***, it's not worth it. My 21st was on a Sunday night and went barhopping. I didn't plan on getting trashed, but a friend was driving and all the bars gave free drinks to me. I woke up on the bathroom floor in my own vomit. I still went to work and I even ran a press while puking in a bucket. It was the worst day of work in my life. In the 4 years I worked at my job, I never took a sick day and while I would have stuck out work all day after my 21st. but my boss said I could take a half day (which I did). It was the WORST day of work in my entire life. The only thing I wanted to do was go home and lay in bed. Not only that, but be smart. I've lost one friend to drug od and another consumed too much alcohol and decided to walk home...then passed out on train tracks and died.


The moral of the story is don't get trashed. You may have every intention (like I did) to only get effervescent. However, with the pressure from friends and free drinks from bars, you end up consuming way more than you want to. Trust me, if you get too wrecked, you won't even want to play Skyrim the next day. Pace yourself and be smart.



I'm sorry this is terrible advice.

I mean, it's good advice, but it's also terrible advice.

Having been a University student for three years, I know a little bit about drinking, and preaching composure on your 21st birthday is just pointless.

Drug overdoses are obviously terrible but completely unrelated, and on the other point, you simply don't walk home on your own, which most people who drink heavily tend to avoid anyway. I'm not making light of your plight, and I'm sorry for your losses, but the fact is it's entirely possible to get both wasted yet still retain some form of responsibility as long as you have trustworthy friends around.


It's my 21st soon, I don't intend to remember any of it. At this age, it's just...necessary, and yeah you might feel like crap the next day but damn that's what being 21 is all about. There's no reason to be an absolute wreck no, but if you've got friends with you, and especially for an event like your 21st birthday. I say go nuts.


I agree. My point wasn't that he was going to die from drinking too much!! My point was that you will feel like complete s*** the next day so much so that you won't even want to play Skyrim. Believe me, I've gone out and been trashed beyond belief many times and like you stated, as long as you're with other people, they're most likely going to watch your back....and as you, I've been in college, too.


I will bet you that if you get black out drunk, you wouldn't even want to play Skyrim the next day. You will want to bury your head in the covers and lay there all day.


While I agree to enjoy and "go nuts", there were some parts that I wish I could have remembered. After the first bar I went to, the rest of the night was a blackout. I heard stories about me hitting on a bartender hardcore and I didn't even remember...lmao.

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Don't listen to the people telling you to get trashed. Yeah, it may sound cool to brag about getting lit up, but when you spend the majority of the night in a daze not remembering it and waking up feeling like utter s***, it's not worth it. My 21st was on a Sunday night and went barhopping. I didn't plan on getting trashed, but a friend was driving and all the bars gave free drinks to me. I woke up on the bathroom floor in my own vomit. I still went to work and I even ran a press while puking in a bucket. It was the worst day of work in my life. In the 4 years I worked at my job, I never took a sick day and while I would have stuck out work all day after my 21st. but my boss said I could take a half day (which I did). It was the WORST day of work in my entire life. The only thing I wanted to do was go home and lay in bed. Not only that, but be smart. I've lost one friend to drug od and another consumed too much alcohol and decided to walk home...then passed out on train tracks and died.


The moral of the story is don't get trashed. You may have every intention (like I did) to only get effervescent. However, with the pressure from friends and free drinks from bars, you end up consuming way more than you want to. Trust me, if you get too wrecked, you won't even want to play Skyrim the next day. Pace yourself and be smart.



I'm sorry this is terrible advice.

I mean, it's good advice, but it's also terrible advice.

Having been a University student for three years, I know a little bit about drinking, and preaching composure on your 21st birthday is just pointless.

Drug overdoses are obviously terrible but completely unrelated, and on the other point, you simply don't walk home on your own, which most people who drink heavily tend to avoid anyway. I'm not making light of your plight, and I'm sorry for your losses, but the fact is it's entirely possible to get both wasted yet still retain some form of responsibility as long as you have trustworthy friends around.


It's my 21st soon, I don't intend to remember any of it. At this age, it's just...necessary, and yeah you might feel like crap the next day but damn that's what being 21 is all about. There's no reason to be an absolute wreck no, but if you've got friends with you, and especially for an event like your 21st birthday. I say go nuts.


I agree. My point wasn't that he was going to die from drinking too much!! My point was that you will feel like complete s*** the next day so much so that you won't even want to play Skyrim. Believe me, I've gone out and been trashed beyond belief many times and like you stated, as long as you're with other people, they're most likely going to watch your back....and as you, I've been in college, too.


I will bet you that if you get black out drunk, you wouldn't even want to play Skyrim the next day. You will want to bury your head in the covers and lay there all day.


While I agree to enjoy and "go nuts", there were some parts that I wish I could have remembered. After the first bar I went to, the rest of the night was a blackout. I heard stories about me hitting on a bartender hardcore and I didn't even remember...lmao.


Well exactly.

I mean, yeah, you are going to feel like crap the next day and in all likelihood not really want to do much of anything. But if there's ever a night that's worth sacrificing, it's your 21st. I realise Skyrim is a big deal, believe me, but in ten years time if people look back on this weekend, I reckon they'd rather remember an epic night out over the first day they played a game.

Sometimes games have to take a backseat to real life (only occassionally!) and in this case, your 21st birthday should not be subdued for the sake of a game.

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Well I probably won't get trashed as I've been there and done that.. I live in so cal and isla vista is only 30 minutes away.. Hah ha! I just wanted to maybe go to a bar or two and drink a bit, maybe drink with my girlfriend(she's only 20 though so no bars). Then buy myself something to take home and crack open with Skyrim post midnight and see how long I can stay awake!
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