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i had just logged onto my conputer and everything had loaded up, i run aol and then the coputer screen went blue and said 'IQRL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL' along with alot of other writing. i have had this computer since last christmas so it is not that old. i havn't added any hardware inside the computer, just mice, keyboard ect. this has happened twice before and it wasn't when i was running aol so its not that and i was wondering if anyone knew how to fix it without uninstalling the os (i dont know what the os is but i think its windows/linux thing) as that will be a lot of hassle but that is what i found on google.



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According to Google, it seems to be a memory error of some kind. Have you checked to make sure your ram is working right? It might just be a bad stick. It might also be a filesystem issue. Have you done any defragging since you've had the computer?
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Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Defragmenter. Make sure your hard drive is selcted in the list at the top, and then click analyze, near the bottom. wait for a bit until a messagebx pops up, and click defragment, regardless of whether Windows says you need to or not, although if it doesn't say you do, then chances are it's not a problem. Defragging regularly just makes your hard drive run faster. Wait for anywahere between 10 minutes and several hours, depending on how big your hd is, and how fragmented it is (Mine is 160gb, and when I didn't defragment regularly, it would take 2-3 hours to do it. If you do it regularly enough, it'll get quicker- I defrag after every major software installation, and it only takes 5-10 mins).


Sorry if that's a bit complicated, I have a habit of going into more detail than is strictly necessary :)

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Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Defragmenter. Make sure your hard drive is selcted in the list at the top, and then click analyze, near the bottom. wait for a bit until a messagebx pops up, and click defragment, regardless of whether Windows says you need to or not, although if it doesn't say you do, then chances are it's not a problem. Defragging regularly just makes your hard drive run faster. Wait for anywahere between 10 minutes and several hours, depending on how big your hd is, and how fragmented it is (Mine is 160gb, and when I didn't defragment regularly, it would take 2-3 hours to do it. If you do it regularly enough, it'll get quicker- I defrag after every major software installation, and it only takes 5-10 mins).


Sorry if that's a bit complicated, I have a habit of going into more detail than is strictly necessary :)

Defragging can also detect if parts of your hard drive are corrupted, and then seperate those areas so that new data isn't written there. If it's an issue with something in your pagefile getting written to a bad block, this should fix it.


As for testing RAM, first right click my computer > properties to see that windows is detecting what you have installed. Then look online for a program to test your ram. I havn't had an issue myself so can't recommend anything, but there should be some comments out there that could help you find something.

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If you want to run some memory test, i can recomend a booteable CD for it.

Google for UBCD, it is a boot CD rom with many programs on it, among them

a few memory test programs.

You can burn it on a CDROM, and boot the computer from it, you get a meny..

Choose "Mainboard tools" then Memory test , exactly which memory test dont matter

Let the memory test run for awhile, at least 5 minutes, ( I recomend 15 min)

if no error is reported then the memory is probably Ok.

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i will probably defrag my pc, but im just wondering wether there are any drawbacks or things that are bad about defragging?
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