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i will probably defrag my pc, but im just wondering wether there are any drawbacks or things that are bad about defragging?

The only bad thing is that it takes awhile to do, and can seriously screw up your computer if something crashes or you lose power. If these errors are frequent, you might want to back up some of your important stuff on a DVD or something incase you have to reinstall.


You should really run the test on your RAM before defragging since the act of defragging may end up causing a crash if you have a bad stick of memory.

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  • 3 years later...

I too am having trouble with BSODs .

Just this morning I got the " IQRL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL screen.


I have done extensive research on blue screen problems and I thought I had it fixed once, but it's back again.


I have run Memtest89 and the RAM is good, I have updated my hardware drivers (all) by uninstalling and re-booting to have new ones installed.

Those that I could not do that way I went to the hardware manufacturer and downloaded the most recent driver .


I am at my wits end with this and just can't figure out what it might be.


Any help ya'll could give would be greatly appreciated! here is my system information. system information


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Please don't revive dead threads.


That said, since you are having a serious technical issue, I will make an exception for this one. In future, please remember it is best to make a new thread.

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