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Help!! There is a Ghost in my House!!


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Ok, here is the deal.


I left for vacation on 10/28/2011, when I left I turned my computer off and it has been off ever since. If someone had come over and used the computer then they would have used the one in the Sun Room, not the one in my room.


I got home on 11/06/2011, turned my computer on, fired up FalloutNV and get this error about how there is no fallout ini file and to run the game first before any mods are installed. Not only that all of my save games from Fallout 3 a NV were gone. How is this possible when my computer has been off ever since I have been gone.


Something I have just thought of, don't think it would matter, but, I have seen stranger things happen when it comes to computers. When I re-initialized the INI file, could it have possibly deleted my save games then?



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