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A basic Perk Spreadsheet


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I'm sure someone has made a better one, but here's a fairly basic one to play with. I have very basic knowledge of using spreadsheets. I know they can do some amazing stuff. You will not find that here.


Based off this info


Doesn't have perks descriptions, but does have perk requirements(Skill and Prerequisite Perk)


Basic to use, put a 1 next to the perks you want, and it will auto add them up and give you the total perks you selected, it will also tell you how many perks you chose for each skill and also each type(Stealth, Combat and Magic).


Hopefully useful to someone.


I run Ubuntu OS on my desktop and used Open Office to make the spreadsheet. I believe it would be compatible with Microsoft Office?


[Edit] Opps was missing some perks, maybe still am. Updated File



Here someone on the bethesda forum uploaded it to google docs


google docs looks like it gets update when people use it though. I'm not familiar with google docs.


or try this alternate download

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Haha, I had to learn Excel earlier this year for work, I new it would pay off eventually.


...too bad the link don't work.

hmm, it lets me download it :)


Here someone on the bethesda forum uploaded it to google docs


google docs looks like it gets update when people use it though. I'm not familiar with google docs.


or try this alternate download

Edited by Morilibus
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